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For Sale... Endor/fanatec Sim Racing Components...

10 Aug 2020

Posted by 5-Card-Major in Personal Selling/Trading post
Components literally only used for about an hour or two.... I was not happy with the angle and setup when attaching the wheelbase to my computer desk. (I'm 6'3" ) And, I have no room for a rig.

Ship to USA only.... I am on the East coast. If shipping is over $50. we split cost.

All original boxes, except the Podium Hub box (can't find it, ...weird)
* Club Sport Desk Clamp V2 $60. > $50.  >  SOLD
* Club Sport Pedals V3 $360. > $320.  >  Returned
* Button Caps & Sticker Set... $30. > $20.  >  SOLD
* Club Sport Wheel Base (WB) V2.5 $550. > $500.  >  SOLD
* Podium Hub $178. > $150.  >  Returned
* Podium Advanced Paddle Module $160. > $125.  >  SOLD
* Podium Button Module Endurance $178. > $155.  >  SOLD
* Podium Wheel Rim Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (Suede) $133. > $110.  >  Returned
* CS Pedal V3 Brake Performance Kit $30 > $25. (box never opened)  >  SOLD

I paid $1,671. All items total sale price $1,455. If you buy all items > $1,300.

Disclosure... "The CSW Porsche 911 GT3R wheel rim currently not compatible with Podium Button Module Endurance, pending future firmware updates."
EDIT: There is now a software patch for this at Fanatec site. https://fanatec.com/us-en/

(Not responsible for typos.)



125 Views · 2 Replies ( Last reply by 5-Card-Major )

Rsc Forum Files

Today, 03:56 PM

Hi folks,

I got a company to do an export for me from archive.org of every file the internet archive held for any of the old RSC forums, this includes attachments.

As an example they got me about 5000 threads from when the forum was at forum.rscnet_org but only 106 attachments.
forum.racesimcentral_com 20,000+ threads, 503 attachments.
Haven't yet finished sorting, but there's also some from legends.sports-gaming.com and legendscentral_com

I know it's been many years, but was there anything specific that was from any of the old GPL forums that the community never recovered that I can look for? My intention is to try to get the files back on RSC in archive form, but in the meantime I'd be happy to look for something.




24 Views · 2 Replies ( Last reply by Brocky05 )

Ea Sports F1 2001 On A Windows 8?

09 Aug 2020

Posted by Elijahroberson in I Wanna talk about other Sims or Games
Yesterday I was cleaning out my old computer desk when I came across a copy of F1 2000 and F1 2001 buried within the depths of the desk. I had been looking for these for some time and was hoping they would still work as these games were newer than some Papy games I can run on my pc without any patches. Unfortunately, F1 2001 did not. I launched the autorun, ran the configuration program, and when I launched the game all I was met with was a minute of my cursor loading. Nothing ever actually popped up other than the admin approval window. I then tried running it in a Windows XP, and Windows 98 compatibility mode, yet that didn't change anything either. I don't think compatibility modes have ever actually helped me when I needed them. With no online patches for more modern OSs, I am pretty much out of luck. Does anyone have any idea how to get this game running on Windows 8? I know 8 is outdated, and I am getting a new pc soo but I often procrastinate on switching operating systems.


259 Views · 6 Replies ( Last reply by twinpotter )

Is The 69 Ferrari 312 Rear Wing Texture Changeable?

12 Aug 2020

I've lifted the Ferrari 312 from the original 1969 mod and am using it in a non-mod carset.  Two AI are assigned to this car, but they are supposed to have different signage on the rear wing.  As the Ferrari rear wing was plain red, I tried to assign a differently named rear wing mip to each car replacing the "ferwing" mip in the AI 3dos with uniquely named mips--i.e. "barwing" and "lawwing."  No dice.  The rear wings on the two cars defaulted to the original red.  I was able to get one of the two wings to appear (on both cars) by renaming one of the new mips "ferwing" but that only changes the default to a new default.  That method doesn't allow for unique rear wings on different cars.

I also borrowed the Brabham BT26 from the same mod and have no issues using different rear wing mips, so there's something in the ferrari .dat file that I'm missing.

Here's a screenshot showing the two cars with the same rear wing despite having different mips assigned to them.  The trailing Ferrari has the correct rear wing.  The car in the foreground does not--it needs to be yellow.  I can use a distinct "fbody" mip for each car with no problem, but the rear wing always default to whatever  the "ferwing" mip is.

Attached File  Image6.jpg   156.66K   57 downloads

Is there a workaround for this issue?

Thank you for any advice!


230 Views · 12 Replies ( Last reply by gliebzeit )

10ª Clandestines Trophy

10 Aug 2020

Posted by jonny'o in GPL-"Hey, anyone need a racer?"

Carset Download https://www.mediafire...RRlRYfQm3g6sfLI

Carlos Cendejas _McLaren M7A-C

Daniel Santana _Ferrari 312-C

David Sochenna _Lotus 49b-D

Doni Yourth _BRM P133

Du Fossa _Lotus 49b-F

Du Lima _McLaren M7A-D

Eric Bilodeal _Matra MS10 D

Farina _Cooper T86b-D

Greg Taber _McLaren M5a B

Jonny'O _BRM P126-E

Keni Blood _Cooper T86b-C

Marcos Mirande - BRM P126-B

Mati -_Brabham BT24-B

Migcomand _Ferrari 312-B

Miguel Palud _McLaren M5A

Oscar _Lotus 49b-C

Pablo Sosa _Matra MS11-A

Raoni Frizzo _Eagle T1G

Renato Jungle _Honda RA301

Ricardo Silva - Brabham BT26 A

Rica Ramos_McLaren M7A-E

Rogerio Ottoni _Brabham BT26 B

Valentin _Matra MS10 C


139 Views · 4 Replies ( Last reply by jonny'o )

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