Difference Between Gpl67X And Gpl 67 Og?
Posted Feb 29 2020 - 05:57 PM
Posted Feb 29 2020 - 07:18 PM
Physics of the mods and some other things (as the limit of 7 cars) from the original gpl have been progressively improved by "magic" guys of the community.
But the original gpl cars remained unchanged until the release of the 67x, that basically apply to the 1967 season all the improvements developed for the mods.
Technically yes. That's the best version of the 1967 f1 cars. In practice, most people of the gpl scene still prefer to drive the good old original gpl cars...
Cheers, Marcos
Posted Feb 29 2020 - 07:22 PM
mcmirande, on Feb 29 2020 - 07:18 PM, said:
Physics of the mods and some other things (as the limit of 7 cars) from the original gpl have been progressively improved by "magic" guys of the community.
But the original gpl cars remained unchanged until the release of the 67x, that basically apply to the 1967 season all the improvements developed for the mods.
Technically yes. That's the best version of the 1967 f1 cars. In practice, most people of the gpl scene still prefer to drive the good old original gpl cars...
Cheers, Marcos
That's coolio. Thanks for the answer!
Posted Feb 29 2020 - 09:16 PM
Posted Feb 29 2020 - 10:45 PM
as the season unfolded, improvements were made and are represented w/in the 67x mod.
can a Ferrari of Kyalami, race at the same time a Ferrari of Mexico?
Posted Feb 29 2020 - 11:59 PM
Bo Bruce, on Feb 29 2020 - 10:45 PM, said:
as the season unfolded, improvements were made and are represented w/in the 67x mod.
can a Ferrari of Kyalami, race at the same time a Ferrari of Mexico?
Yes, it has an offline-racing version simulating the cars that actually was on each race of 1967 and an online version implementing only the latest 1967 carset and fully featured for leagues use

Posted Mar 01 2020 - 02:40 AM
Car skins and new cars give this mod a deeper historical experience as the Cooper Maserati T86, Cooper T 77, T 79 ect...
Edited by M Needforspeed, Mar 01 2020 - 04:03 AM.
Posted Mar 01 2020 - 02:51 AM
read the first post and you will see everything specific to this Mod, and its seven "submods",as the cars physics change.Carskins have been improved ect....
Now,I always use this 67 Historical when playing on the historical tracks, because I like to be with the correct AI's.But there is a generic AI's set with one mod physics yo can use for all the others tracks.
Sometimes, and maybe at certain tracks, AI's behaviour are special, they have mechanical problems and go slow to return to the pits, more often than with the GPL original 67.
Finally, imho 67 Historical is one of the greatest improvement (with all those skins/ 3D and physics) ever released for the Great Game
Edited by M Needforspeed, Mar 01 2020 - 03:16 AM.
Posted Mar 01 2020 - 03:27 AM
g.spinning, on Dec 26 2015 - 06:25 AM, said:
Posted Mar 01 2020 - 04:34 AM
and if later you want to use any given 67 Historical seven carset physics at any track as there are so many beautiful tracks to test, here the solution to use 67X carsets physics with generic AI's getting a number on the skin.
pioujd428, on Dec 31 2015 - 10:59 PM, said:
Here are the extensions for the setups that each car uses:
I guess they would be installed the same way setups normally are.
Edited by M Needforspeed, Mar 01 2020 - 04:44 AM.
Posted Mar 02 2020 - 08:21 AM
Where did the performance numbers come from as the cars progressed through the season and got lighter and had more power? Did the team have real numbers or did they guess?
Posted Mar 02 2020 - 11:57 AM
Pete Gaimari, on Mar 02 2020 - 08:21 AM, said:
Where did the performance numbers come from as the cars progressed through the season and got lighter and had more power? Did the team have real numbers or did they guess?
At home, in a pirhana eating mag foolishness, I looked and collected buying the motor racing complete collection specialised mags for 1967 F1 season.
-( Autosport, Motorsport, The Autocar, The Motor, some Motoring News, Auto Italiana,Automobile, Autosprint, L' Automobile, Sport Auto, L' Auto Journal, Virage Auto, Moteurs, Rallye Racing, Automobilsport, Auto Motor Und Sport, Sport Cars Graphic, Road and Track, Competition Press and Autoweek,Corsa, Automund ect....)
- Books ( around ten covering only the 1967 F1 season ) and others covering sixties motor racing.
Conclusion : I can honestly guess, not being Richard Cooke or Greg( Pioujd)...
.... there is no complete and regularly updated technical datas about engine curve /power /torque evolution and tyres grip, slip angle ect ...For the weight, most of the chassis didn't get lighter, and not at the same time in the season.
nevertheless, there was some infos about the tyres reference, and the engines.But you have to compile them by chance, on a race report, for a car and not the others ect....
Ask to Greg and Richard, by PM about the others sources they put their hands on
There must be a lot of guessing but overall that's rather good to think the F1 cars improved.Better than one static physics for all the rounds
Edited by M Needforspeed, Mar 05 2020 - 05:59 AM.
Posted Mar 02 2020 - 12:38 PM
I didn't PM because I thought it would interesting to everybody. I know there had to be some guessing but was curious how much.
Posted Mar 02 2020 - 03:18 PM
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