Well, this is the last in my planned trilogy of scratch built F1 cars from the 50's. Earlier I posted my Lancia D50 and the '57 Maserati 250F and got a nice round of approval so here's my W196.
Again, the body is carved from Renshape and all other parts are made from found materials but it is 100% hand made.
In researching the car I quickly learned that it went through many changes from race to race over its 2 year life span and I couldn't find any "official" plans of any version. In the end I drew my own plans and just arbitrarily chose which features I'd include or leave out ... at my age you can do that! There were different exhaust lengths, a multitude of different holes appeared over the body, different shapes of scoops and even that iconic "nostril" wasn't on the earliest cars. Those early cars had inboard brake drums too which lasted until they went on a weight saving campaign and moved them to the wheels. So the bottom line is that my car is a smorgasborg of shapes and parts all of which did appear on the car but just maybe not at the same time! So, if you're really anal about how the car should look feel free to drop a comment but I'm not going to change it! LOL.

Hail to the 50's!!

Thanks for looking
Edited by albergman, Aug 14 2019 - 04:09 PM.