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Looking For A New Racing Wheel Without Force Feedback/vibrations

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#1 221teddy


    Denny Hulme

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Posted Apr 21 2019 - 10:31 AM

Hi everybody,

currently I am driving my GPL sim with a more than 15 years old wheel-pedal-set "Saitek Digital R 220". I like this precise non-force-feedback wheel very much but in the meanwhile there show up some malfunctions from time to time: on straights I get suddenly a "digital hit" into the wheel displayed in the sim without any action by me on the hardware Saitek wheel. And if this happens at 280 km/h........ you can imagine.

If this happens during a good hot lap with warm tires and warm engine ore in a successful race this is somehow frustrating. I assume the reason behind this annoying error ist the old hardware wheel (I see no other obvious reason). Therefore I am looking for a new wheel and I am asking for your recommandations.

There are some good force feedback wheels available. But to be honest, in the past I fell not in love with force feedback devices like joy sticks for flight sims etc. I prefer a precise wheel without force feedback and without any vibrations. I think I found almost nothing in the internet whithout any force feed back or vibrations simulation.

What I am looking for:
- precise
- stable; may be produced from metal/aluminium
- precise and consistent central position
- good surface feel
- some butons for views, raising hands....
- rocker switch/column gear shift
- preferentially 3 pedals, but 2 pedals are not a no-go
- a small manufacturer is welcome even though the price is higher

What's about using the available high quality FF wheels and switching of the force feedback simulation. Is this possible? Are the wheels yet precise in this FF switched of mode?

Your recommendations are welcome.

Edited by 221teddy, Apr 21 2019 - 10:32 AM.

#2 Cookie


    Chris Amon Fan

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Posted Apr 21 2019 - 10:54 AM

Have you tried brr's FFB2 for GPL?  ->https://srmz.racesimcentral.net/inde...?showtopic=4226
There is no vibration in the game and it feels perfect for me.

Look for Fanatec wheels,
but imo the pedals are essential,
I have just upgraded mine from G27 to Fanatec CSP, this is a great new experience, when you can precisely brake like in a real racecar...
I improved every track PB since then!

#3 gliebzeit


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Posted Apr 21 2019 - 02:09 PM

"What's about using the available high quality FF wheels and switching of the force feedback simulation. Is this possible? Are the wheels yet precise in this FF switched of mode?"

Yes.  Turn force feedback on / off from within the core.ini file.  Edit the value with a text editor program (notepad, wordpad, etc).
Attached File  core.ini file.jpg   71.96K   12 downloads

#4 leon_90


    Lorenzo Bandini

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Posted Apr 21 2019 - 03:29 PM

View Postgliebzeit, on Apr 21 2019 - 02:09 PM, said:

"What's about using the available high quality FF wheels and switching of the force feedback simulation. Is this possible? Are the wheels yet precise in this FF switched of mode?"

Yes.  Turn force feedback on / off from within the core.ini file.  Edit the value with a text editor program (notepad, wordpad, etc).
Attachment core.ini file.jpg

Exactly, just buy any wheel you like/can afford and turn off the FFB in GPL as per Greg's indication, if you really don't want it

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