Back again with a "compilation" that I started one year ago, and gave up because of my lack of knowledge...
I transfer all the files to Crystal and you know what happened next... But, thanks to Greg, I was able to end it !
So, don't be surprised, it's exactly the same textures than Crystal... ... But it's nice too...
As Crystal, it's a little bit heavy (about 700≈800Mg... ... for real 60Mg...) and it works well. Very well.
Thanks to GPLEA which built the track... 15 years ago !
And, as usual, to Thomas Leachele, JackSeller and... Gliebzeit who gave me a great and constant support...
I would like to thanks again all of you for pushing me forward with so much kindness and... humor !
Thanks to you Arno, Rémy, Fat... Ginetto, Pavel, Maddog, Robert Fleurke, Marx, Andy Clegg, Sergio Loro,
Stefan Roess, Phi52, leslav2012, JonnyA, Davef, Pedro, Leon_90, Alter, Gaus...
snetterton67.jpg 112.6K 331 downloads 22.32MB 343 downloads 1.21MB 194 downloads added the 19.05.2017
Here is a major tree improvement realized by Kelllaaa... Many thanks to him ! 1.98MB 203 downloads No hesitation, download it !!! added the 23.05.2017
(Btw, it's the same file than in the post#21)
Have fun !
Ps : I've made once more a little error... In the “snett67_Dbupdt“ you will find a file named “Syracuse.3do“ which obviously doesn't have to be here... It seems that it doesn't affect the operations, but it is perhaps better to remove that file... Sincerely sorry...
Edited by db312, Jul 09 2018 - 04:55 PM.