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Full Version: GPL Points Manager Program?
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
Zach Duff
Hello everyone. I'm quite new to the Grand Prix Legends community. From what I've played already, I'm hooked on the game, and I plan to start a fantasy offline league using the GPL simulator. My only problem is, I'm very much used to the way things work in NASCAR Racing 2003 Season with the points, mainly using the "Race Points Manager" program. I've looked through the programs here but I haven't seen anything yet. Is there a program to manage point standings for Grand Prix Legends? I would very much appreciate it if someone could point me to one.

- Zach Duff
I'm not aware of such a program existing.

In all honesty, it's not a very "GPL" thing to do...
Zach Duff
QUOTE (pirenzo @ Jan 17 2009, 07:14 PM) *
I'm not aware of such a program existing.

In all honesty, it's not a very "GPL" thing to do...

Why is it not?
Well, it depends what you mean by "managing points". If you want to manipulate the points you've scored on an individual race, that's kinda cheating.

On second reading though, I don't think that's what you meant, but in any case, I don't think you'll find a program to suit your needs. It's just not something that there's been any need for.

If you outline exactly what it is you need to do, someone might be able to suggest a way to do it. Or at least a method to that effect.
QUOTE (Zach Duff @ Jan 17 2009, 05:21 PM) *
Hello everyone. I'm quite new to the Grand Prix Legends community. From what I've played already, I'm hooked on the game, and I plan to start a fantasy offline league using the GPL simulator. My only problem is, I'm very much used to the way things work in NASCAR Racing 2003 Season with the points, mainly using the "Race Points Manager" program. I've looked through the programs here but I haven't seen anything yet. Is there a program to manage point standings for Grand Prix Legends? I would very much appreciate it if someone could point me to one.

- Zach Duff

AFAIK there is not a program for that.
When I was running our league RPM is what I used for that.
A bit of work to set up but once done it worked great.
Zach Duff
QUOTE (Bill @ Jan 18 2009, 09:24 AM) *
QUOTE (Zach Duff @ Jan 17 2009, 05:21 PM) *
Hello everyone. I'm quite new to the Grand Prix Legends community. From what I've played already, I'm hooked on the game, and I plan to start a fantasy offline league using the GPL simulator. My only problem is, I'm very much used to the way things work in NASCAR Racing 2003 Season with the points, mainly using the "Race Points Manager" program. I've looked through the programs here but I haven't seen anything yet. Is there a program to manage point standings for Grand Prix Legends? I would very much appreciate it if someone could point me to one.

- Zach Duff

AFAIK there is not a program for that.
When I was running our league RPM is what I used for that.
A bit of work to set up but once done it worked great.

I tried setting up Race Points Manager to work with Grand Prix Legends, but every time I would try to import a set of results, it would tell me something like "Invalid Export Setup, please make sure you are using N4 or NR2002" or something along those lines.
What does the program do then?
You drive a race and it adds the points earned in that race to a total? confused1.gif
Otavio Silveira
I mean this is a program to change the point system, other than 9-6-4-3-2-1
never heard something related to it for GPL too.

Maybe in case of a 55 mod it could have some utility, but mod guy surelly could find a way to deal with it, or in case of discard system, variable season from season.
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