Hello everybody,
sorry to bother you with unpleasant details but we just realized that a guy (quattro) has been stealing our carset and proudly claims that he makes the cars.
This behaviour is simply unacceptable. I hope that this guy can be banned from the forum and/or something else is done about it.
We created the carset to use it online in the GPFun67 tournament, which we believe is still the only gpl tournament that uses personalized liveries online.
We obtained explicit permission from gplea to post the liveries for their cars.
Here is the link to our site [LINK REMOVED]
In a thread in the forum quattro writes something like:
people like the red white blue eagle so I decided to make a cooper like it (not literal) and even "third times the charm" (literal).
The reason why the cooper was made is very different and very simple: the driver that uses that livery started to drive the cooper in our races. I can announce that the next car of the carset (or the next one that quattro will claim as his own) is a brabham with the same paint scheme.
GPL has a great community that makes and shares all sort of files. There is nothing wrong with this, quite the opposite, and there is nothing wrong in using other people's work.
THere is everything wrong, however, in repeatedly stealing other guys work and taking credit (and proud) out of it !
As I wrote, I hope that "quattro" can be given an appropriate "punishment".
Any advise on how we should proceed on the matter is welcome.
Thanks for reading,
Luca and Stex68
dangermouse EDIT: Link removed - Go HERE to find out what I think of these guys and why the link was removed.