It has come to my attention that EdwRom's Ferrari wheel update has gone missing. I see it is included in Irridux' 1966 Historical update, but I'll post it here too .
EdwRom said:
Flat knockoff rear wheels for 1966 312/66A Ferraris - Version 2
These are new rear wheels for the 66 mod 312/66A (C16) ferrari. Contrary to the late season 312/66B, which had the now classic
5-point star wheels on all 4 corners, the 312A in most cases used solid knock-off wheels with small holes in the periphery and
spinners instead of nuts. These files will allow you to have the knock-off wheels in the 312A and the star wheels in the 312B.
New to Version 2:
1. Instead of just having painted spinners on the wheels, the new wheels have 3D spinners converted from the Lotus wheels.
2. Improved graphics with the ten periphery holes reshaped and moved outward to better match the real whees.
3. Files to make the 2D wheels that came with the mod use the rear flat wheels with spinners.
Two folders named 3DSpinnerWheels and 2DSpinnerWheels
1. The 3DSpinnerWheels folder contains:
a. Nine 3do files: tlrtire0.3do, tlrtire1.3do, tlrtire2.3do, trrtire0.3do, trrtire1.3do, trrtire2.3do, t444lr.3do, t444rr.3do
and whelof.3do.
b. Six mip files c161t.mip, c162t.mip, c163t.mip, tspinn1.mip, tspinn2.mip and tspinn3.mip.
2. The 2DSpinnerWheels folder has:
a. Seven 3do files: tlrtire0.3do, tlrtire1.3do, tlrtire2.3do, trrtire0.3do, trrtire1.3do, trrtire2.3do and whelDr.3do
b. Three mip files: c161t.mip, c162t.mip and c163t.mip
3. C16KnockoffV2.doc is the file you are currently reading
4. C16KnockoffV2.png shows the difference between the V1 wheels and the V2 3D wheels.
How to install this file:
1. If you have the version 1 of my Ferrari 312/66A, move those files to a safe area or just delete them.
2. If you have any files in your cars/cars66/C16 folder (other than C16.dat, and gempic.jpg), back up those files.
3. Unzip the contents of the file into your c16 folder or unzip into a temporary folder and copy the contents to
your c16 folder. You will now have two new folders (3DSpinnerWheels and 2DSpinnerWheels) inside your Cars66/C16 folder.
4. If you want to use the 3D wheels, copy the contents of the 3DSpinnerWheels to the C16 folder.
5. If using the 2D wheels, copy the contents of the 2DSpinnerWheels to the C16 folder.
6. If you want to go back to the original rear wheels, delete these files from the C16 folder.
1. The original 66 mod team for a fantastic carset with so many extra choices. The wheels with 3D spinners were converted from the
66 Mod's Lotus wheels.
2. Greg Liebzeit created the spinner mip, which I edited a bit to match the 66 mod wheels.
1. Paul Skingley and the 66 mod team for allowing me to edit their original wheels.
2. Greg Liebzeit for giving permission to use his spinners.
Edwin Román
These are new rear wheels for the 66 mod 312/66A (C16) ferrari. Contrary to the late season 312/66B, which had the now classic
5-point star wheels on all 4 corners, the 312A in most cases used solid knock-off wheels with small holes in the periphery and
spinners instead of nuts. These files will allow you to have the knock-off wheels in the 312A and the star wheels in the 312B.
New to Version 2:
1. Instead of just having painted spinners on the wheels, the new wheels have 3D spinners converted from the Lotus wheels.
2. Improved graphics with the ten periphery holes reshaped and moved outward to better match the real whees.
3. Files to make the 2D wheels that came with the mod use the rear flat wheels with spinners.
Two folders named 3DSpinnerWheels and 2DSpinnerWheels
1. The 3DSpinnerWheels folder contains:
a. Nine 3do files: tlrtire0.3do, tlrtire1.3do, tlrtire2.3do, trrtire0.3do, trrtire1.3do, trrtire2.3do, t444lr.3do, t444rr.3do
and whelof.3do.
b. Six mip files c161t.mip, c162t.mip, c163t.mip, tspinn1.mip, tspinn2.mip and tspinn3.mip.
2. The 2DSpinnerWheels folder has:
a. Seven 3do files: tlrtire0.3do, tlrtire1.3do, tlrtire2.3do, trrtire0.3do, trrtire1.3do, trrtire2.3do and whelDr.3do
b. Three mip files: c161t.mip, c162t.mip and c163t.mip
3. C16KnockoffV2.doc is the file you are currently reading
4. C16KnockoffV2.png shows the difference between the V1 wheels and the V2 3D wheels.
How to install this file:
1. If you have the version 1 of my Ferrari 312/66A, move those files to a safe area or just delete them.
2. If you have any files in your cars/cars66/C16 folder (other than C16.dat, and gempic.jpg), back up those files.
3. Unzip the contents of the file into your c16 folder or unzip into a temporary folder and copy the contents to
your c16 folder. You will now have two new folders (3DSpinnerWheels and 2DSpinnerWheels) inside your Cars66/C16 folder.
4. If you want to use the 3D wheels, copy the contents of the 3DSpinnerWheels to the C16 folder.
5. If using the 2D wheels, copy the contents of the 2DSpinnerWheels to the C16 folder.
6. If you want to go back to the original rear wheels, delete these files from the C16 folder.
1. The original 66 mod team for a fantastic carset with so many extra choices. The wheels with 3D spinners were converted from the
66 Mod's Lotus wheels.
2. Greg Liebzeit created the spinner mip, which I edited a bit to match the 66 mod wheels.
1. Paul Skingley and the 66 mod team for allowing me to edit their original wheels.
2. Greg Liebzeit for giving permission to use his spinners.
Edwin Román