By default, POWER&GLORY has the steering-lock in the car setups prepared for steering-wheel controllers using 900º of rotation (two turns and a half, lock to lock), which became widely popular and, perhaps, the most common among simracing enthusiasts in recent years, such as the ones listed right below:
- Logitech G25; G27; Driving Force GT; Driving Force Pro
- Fanatec Porsche and Clubsport models
- Thrustmaster T500RS
As we realize that there are still plenty new users coming to P&G with other wheel controller models (usually older models) which do have limited steering lock (such as 180º, 240º, 270º or 360º of rotation), we understand that this aproach can cause some issues to users with such wheels, and make their experience not as good as it can be.
For this category of steering-wheel controllers with shorter lock-to-lock rotation, we can list the following ones:
- Logitech MOMO Racing; MOMO Force; Driving Force EX; Formula Force GP
- Thrustmaster Ferrari wheels (also Guillemot ones); RGT 'clutch edition'
- Microsoft Sidewinder
- TSW Stock Evolution (and older models)
- ECCI TrackStar 6000 (and older models)
- Madcatz (any model)
If this your case (i.e, if you're using one of these wheels, or a very short rotation in your wheel), please read on, as there are some things to do, to make POWER&GLORY give you a better experience with it.
"So what to do then?"
First, make sure you have the latest version of Power&Glory installed (it's v3.1 as of this date).
If you're using the most updated version already, then follow these three steps:
- 1- run the P&G Launcher, and click on the green button "Player". This will provide improved parameters for various gameplay aspects (you can see more about it HERE).
2- Set the steering sensitivity at 50% in the game options/controls (to get a good feeling with the settings that will be mentioned ahead).
(click image to enlarge it)
In straight simple terms, at 50% sensitivity the steering will be "spot on".
The response of the steering will be neither "too responsive, too brisk", nor "too sluggish, too smooth". Just like as it was pretended to be then.
3- Decrease the "STEERING LOCK" value in the car setup.
(click image to enlarge it)
The default value here will be way too much for wheels that do not have 900º of rotation (or if you prefer to use a much lower rotation), so you'll need to bring down the value for the "STEERING LOCK" in the car setup.
Although these are not "scientific" values (if interested in that, see the second part of this post), the following values are a quick way to get the steering-lock better suited for such wheels:
- For wheels with 180º of rotation, try to use a value between "7" and "9".
- For wheels with 240º or 270º of rotation, try to use a value between "10" and "12".
- For wheels with 360º of rotation, try to use a value between "13" and "15".
--------------and for wheels with adjustable rotation----------------------------- - If using 450º of rotation, try to use a value between "15" and "18".
- If using 540º of rotation, try to use a value between "18" and "21".
- If using 630º of rotation, try to use a value between "21" and "24".
- If using 720º of rotation, try to use a value between "24" and "28".
- If using 900º of rotation, just leave the steering lock as default (in P&G it's set for 900º).
NOTE: feel free to discuss and advice better or specific values if you wish, by replying in this thread.
Ok, with this done, give the P&G cars a try again.

You'll see that you can now use a much lower steering lock value in the car setup (correct for such wheels, and lower rotation), without any issues when leaving the pit-box.

As side note for the guys using wheels with 180º rotation, notice that some cars won't go below 10.0 steering lock in car-setup (in-game), and as these wheels need to use lower steering-lock than that, in such particular situation you may wish to reduce the steering sensitivity a bit (below 50%) to avoid a too nervous steering.
Edited by DucFreak, Dec 05 2013 - 10:44 AM.