"Why should I drive with PP/DGP? I don't understand what's the advantage?"
Preface for remebering: PP/DGB makes only sense if you're interested for online racing/leagues. All effects of the patch works offline too (and can be tested by this way), but it makes no sence to use the patch in AI races.
Gpl has two sides with a big difference between both: Mode PRO (and GP) and mode INT.
1a: mode PRO
Gpl mode PRO is realistic, but a lot of drivers are "dying" during the race.
An exemple from my 2016 official mexico race: At the start we was all in all 39 participants. Because in one grid can be only 19 drivers, we had three grids. So in my grid was 13 drivers at the start. After 25% of this 1 hour race we was seven, after 50% we was three and only two drivers has finished the race.
I have had too many such races.
In PP/DGP mode PRO the cars can be repaired after 15s standing time if the driver can bring back the car at their pit...and go on. The cars stay at the pits - NO jumping from pit to track.
1b: mode INT
In the past I have had many races in normal gpl mode INT. Why I have lost my interest six years before now? My point isn't that the ShiftR procedere is to crazy and ghostly. My point is: I knew before the start of the race at which place I would be finishing (with a small deviation of maximum two places)...and it wasn't a surprise. Why?
How many time loose the driver at a ShiftR? Average 30s. An one hour race at an 1:30min track has average 40 laps. If your laptimes are 1s slower than a ShiftR driver you will be at the quecked flay behind him (40laps*1s=40s). 40s>30s.
At such a track with average 1:30min laptimes the difference between the fastest and slowest driver was average 5s or 6s. So crashing/ShiftR is like a drop in the bucket.
Racing with gpl INT mode is near by an hotlap competition or like an hundred-metres race. But car racing isn't an 100m race. A special thing in motor racing should be that mistakes/crashes can have devasting effects. Otherwise it isn't motor racing.
In PP/DGP mode INT you can do ShiftR but it have consequences (inter alia you get a gear problem for a longer time). You are under compulsion to do a pitstop with 15s waiting time.
Because you know that you'll get the gear problem you'll prevent ShiftR in most cases automaticly. So ShiftR is what it should be: An exceptional makeshift.
2: dirt effect
There are a lot of tracks that inviting for corner cutting, one exemple: First left right passage at Edmonton.
I think from time to time in all leagues will be discussed about that problem. And gpl leagues have no impartial and good-paying race commissioners like in real formula one.
In PP/DGP short cutting drivers loose grip distinctly...and automatically. They feel the disadvantage immediately.
These points are in my sight the main advance of PP/DGP.
3: Wear effect
is an additional improvement. It makes long races more exciting. Because it's very depentend from driving style and setup it adds a new dimension to gpl.
BR Olaf
Edited by Olaf Lehmann, Mar 29 2016 - 01:58 AM.