any weeks before I have do some corrections. No more increasing grip with cold tires at the beginning of the race and some fine tuning.
We use the patch (version21) in a cup. Next race is on 14th of april...
The link to eolc forum and to the patch you find in the post above.
The other thing is: In the last weeks I have added to the patch another feature: tire wear and the possibility to choice between soft and hard tires (the check box for asymmetrical editing is used for that).
The wear effect is determinated from the wheelspin of the wheel. Braking with standing wheels or hard wheelspin under acceleration reduces the grip time after time.
At the end it should be so that driving with soft tires till one hour races is better, races longer than one hour hard tires are better. It's hard to tune the wear effect so, because any driver have a different driving stile and setup. So I need exact informations how much the wear effect is in
your case.
I have changed Brr's "new" pribluda. If you change the normal pribluda.dll with the pribluda .dll in the patch folder the inside contact patch tire temps shows the wear values.
Here is a link to the wear included (beta) version3 of the patch
In the readmes you find more informations.
I hope anyone have any interest.
Best regards Olaf
Edited by Olaf Lehmann, Jun 10 2018 - 12:02 PM.