There are 2 files for each track. The relevant .jpeg displays in the GEM launcher screen, the .pbf within Grand Prix Legends itself.
How you install them may depend on how you have arranged your mod installs - I have separate installs for each mod, and with this arrangement just drop both the files into the appropriate track folders for the relevant season (backing up your originals first should you wish to revert to them).
If you have just one install then you may need to edit the name of the files as in page0.pbf to page068.pbf, whilst the jpegs may need to go in the Grand Prix Legends Secrets folder - perhaps someone with a single install can advise further.
First up is Kyalami 1968 - South African Grand Prix
kyalami.jpg 82.66K 199 downloads
page0.pbf 237.44K 120 downloads
Next is Silverstone 1968 - International Trophy
silver.jpg 89.14K 189 downloads
page0.pbf 237.44K 100 downloads
Next is Oulton Park 1968 - The Gold Cup
oulton.jpg 95.63K 173 downloads
page0.pbf 237.44K 87 downloads
Finally is Jarama 1967 - the Spanish Grand Prix (non championship) from November (not the best qualityscan available)
jarama.jpg 72.19K 131 downloads
page0.pbf 240.8K 84 downloads
nb - to download the jpegs, right click over each file in turn and then save target as...
Edited by deegee, Dec 13 2012 - 07:29 PM.