So far this package should be finished in the next days but what needs absolutely be included to guarantee a nice, working 65mod?
Here's what should be included:
1. 65mod steering wheel fix by MECH from here: ( I did a quick check and I believe I can manage this. Only questions is the 2D option for the lotus. MECH any hint because you provide a lotus.3do while the 2D helmet option would replace your with the original 2D lotus.3do. You have supplied 2D helmet options for the other cars where needed. So is there a reason for this?
1. height fix from MECH from here: https://home.planet.n...e/Downloads.htm ( Same question here regarding the Lotus. So when the other steering wheel fix is solved this will be the same
2. Alternative soundsets because the links from the Legends of 65 mod 2.0.1 are dead (https://download.bcsi.../65/65modv2.htm)
Thanks a lot guys!
Edited by Bernd Nowak, Aug 12 2012 - 06:34 AM.