It's sad that people with very fast PCs have problems to get 60fps in an old game.
But we have seen in this thread with some tricks it works.
I try to summarize what we find out in this thread. So people have lesser excuses not to drive 60fps...
SO - IF YOU SAY: "I CANNOT DRIVE 60FPS BECAUSE MY PC IS TO SLOW" - READ THIS (especially if you have problems with oglv2):
I have only 25/30/35 fps all the time:
More than likely the gpl own dashline (OIl pressure, speed, gear, rpm, etc.) is the reason.
Solution 1: Deactivate GPLDigitalDisplayModifier! It means: Open this tool and set the radio button to "Analogue Meters Only" (For safety please make a copy of your gpl.exe before)
Solution 2: Use the patch in post 9 of this thread! In this case the dashline will be deactivated in F10 view too.
Solution 3: Use Lees Letterbox patch!
Too display the dashline values use pribluda. Pribluda is decreasing framerate minimalistic.
When I see in Online racing a chat message or messages like: "Driver XXX has joined." or "Driver XXX has left the server." the framerate drops for a second.
Solution: The Göran trick: Activate GPLShift.
Find the [GPL Font] Auto_Set_GPL_Font_Size in GPLshift.ini and set it to 0!
Do you still have to less fps try lesser AA values. See Bobs post (post 10)!
I hope this could animate anyone to give 60fps another chance!
BR Olaf
Edited by Olaf Lehmann, Feb 04 2020 - 10:31 AM.