You can switch the fog on or off and apply several settings.
Some features:
1. it saves a backup of the changed trackxx.ini to trackxx.cpy
2. it saves the last used setting so you can test gradual changes.
3. You can choose from the tested values Jim Pearson found while trying out the fog feature.
4. If a track.ini already has fog settings it will change them (if the values match the exact [ Fog ] format)
5. You can alter the density with use of the slider in the Light/Dark Setting section
6. You can change the fog color by changing the Red, Green or Blue color(s)
It was easier to use this range and i don't think it will have much use to apply higher values
Note2: Jim Pearson used a density of 0.01 (which is the slider set a 1, the minimum)
Using higher values probably only have use on wet tracks..
Download at my website under...yep downloads...GPLFog tool
Thx to Jim Pearson for posting some useful fog settings
P.S. Again it's a simple tool. Nothing fancy just coded in vb.
For me it'l do and i hope for you too
Attached Files
Edited by MECH, Mar 08 2011 - 12:33 PM.