and as usual the disclaimer, 32bit means you HAVE TO use the V2 rasterizers. OGL V2 or D3D V2, doesn't matter as long as it is V2. just have to stress that so there's no bitching when GPL crashes, because someone thought V1 and 32bit do mix - they don't. i've tried.
the 1024x package is rather large, but then the type5 (16bit) skins include loads of dithering and that is quite the worst case scenario for compression - the 32bit (despite actual 2x bigger filesize) compresses better than the 16bit - go figure
readme included though, if you have questions - ask.
/ok bummer about the 30meg limit, after about 1.5hours of uploading i ran afoul of the 30meg limit, so i split the file into 2. first part in this post, 2nd part in the next. bleh
//bummer #2. "you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" that was a 7z.001, so back to the drawing board, i zipped the two subdirs seperately - worth noting the individual .7zips are smaller than the one big one containg the same files :S
anyway, i did a short f2 race at kyalami including qualifying during the upload of the 2nd part.. meh, those are mighty fun and so darn easy to drive, rejoice
actual note, first part contains 16bit, 2nd part contains 32bit.