for the next release of the GPLPS Installer I collected 'important' names. The main reason is that I believe while a group like the GPLEA seems to be very easy to count it isn't. A lot of the earlier people, which had been so important cracking all the little secrets, is more or less lost due to the fact that over the releases the "Thanks to ..." get's more and more actual. To honor most of them I would like to include them and thank them all

Here's my current list:
Nils Ruwisch, Gustavo Olivera, Ken Drouillard, Michel Vigneres, JackSeller, Mike Tyler, Michal Beran, Rory Gibson, Gary Tall, Peter Lohmar, Roger Wennström, Paul Jackson, Bill, Phil Flack, luna, Royale, Arturo Pereira, David Wright, Dave Noonan, Paul Thurston, Tim Weathley, Mark Beckman, Keeper, Seegert, Remy, Ginetto, Border Riever, Nigel Pattinson, ducwolf, Remco, Dave Allam, Peter Allam, Steffen Wietzdörfer, Klas, Simon Stobbart, John Bradley, Uwe Schuerkamp, Greger Huttu, Roland Ehnstrom, Caballero, Bob Hund, Fred Faster, Werner Dielen, Sebastien Riou, Scotty, Andre Streu, Bart Westra, JHalli, Rudy Dingemans, Tommie (TVO), Bruce M. Johnson, Ian Barrett, brr, jbviking, Irridux, van Gossum, Jim Pearson, Alison Hine, Fast Tommi, Stefan Roess, Eric Bourgouin, Lou Magyar, Polar Blue, simbear, Lee, Stefan Magnusson, Andrew Olley, Götz Poppitz, Pedro Johansson, Thorsten Thierolf, Karsten Borchers, Harri Ikonen, Martijn Keizer, US Pits, Lee Bowden, Stefan Magnusson, Kari Ikonen, David Crowell, Tim Medcalf, Jonas Matton and Martin Granberg.
If you know more 'important' persons please add them. What would GPL without all these people