I never tried the old Pribludas (only been playing GPL a few months and used D3Dv2 for most of that so it wasn't available to me).
Have just come across this thread, though so I downloaded it straight away. It's a very handy tool so thanks to Brr for the hard work.
However, it seems to be making my framerate suffer somewhat - down to no higher than 30.1 and as low as 20 at times.
None of the other mods or add-ons I have had any effect on my framerate, which has always run at 36 (or 60 in that mode.)
Is it possible to increase fps by only using certain Pribluda features (I'm mostly only interested in the split-time info and dashboard bar - I'm good enough to look at the rest and drive at the same time!)
In OpenGL I get a slightly better framerate - but the numbers are upside-down! I generally don't use OpenGL though, because the track seems to turn blue in places, but that is probably an issue for another thread)
Thanks for any comments