I have managed quite easy to install NR2003 + GTP1.1 on a Windows 7 RC 64 system.
I only installed the NR2003 to get the fantastic GTP mod to work.
Everything seems OK but now comes my only problem.
I can´t get the GTP NOCD to work. Grrrr
I can only start GTP if the orig NR2003 CD is in the drawer.
I have tried everything. Even setting the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Off doesnt help.
Error message:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: TMP.exe
Application Version:
Fault Module Name: TMP.exe
Exception Offset: 00aafbef
Exception Code: c0000005
I know that this TMP.exe is a kind of hidden file which actually is running the GTP mod "underneath" the GTP_Launcher.
And therefore I catched this file while GTP was halted and told Windows that the file was allowed to run without any enterfeering from DEP.
Didnt help.
I even tried to run the GTP directly from TMP.exe but every time I reach the DRIVE meny (where you get into the cockpit, and want some action), then bang. Back to desktop.
Any ideas guys?
By the way. Until now it seems that GTP runs pretty good on this 64 bit Windows:-)

Vista/Windows 7 RC 64 and GTP 1.1 NOCD
Started by BrunoB , Jun 10 2009 - 01:07 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted Jun 10 2009 - 01:07 PM
Posted Jun 10 2009 - 03:18 PM
It's been a while since I had a fresh install, but I think you have to (re-)run <config.exe> after you install any new <NR2003.exe>. 

Posted Jun 11 2009 - 02:18 AM
Thank you for answering.
Yes you are right. 1st things done after the the reinstall.
But I think too that you will NOT get this kind of error if that was the reason.
To the best of my knowledge the only thing config.exe does is to coordinate the graphical settings in GTP to the used graphical card.
But after I posted the above prayer for help I just checked another NOCD thread where Arturo Pereira adviced somebody to UPD NR2003 to BEFORE using a NOCD.
And then I thought that eventhough Im only using GTP and not NR2003 could it make any difference if my reinstalled NR2003 isnt patched to
Probably not. Its a far shot. But Im running out of ideas:-(
Yes you are right. 1st things done after the the reinstall.
But I think too that you will NOT get this kind of error if that was the reason.
To the best of my knowledge the only thing config.exe does is to coordinate the graphical settings in GTP to the used graphical card.
But after I posted the above prayer for help I just checked another NOCD thread where Arturo Pereira adviced somebody to UPD NR2003 to BEFORE using a NOCD.
And then I thought that eventhough Im only using GTP and not NR2003 could it make any difference if my reinstalled NR2003 isnt patched to
Probably not. Its a far shot. But Im running out of ideas:-(
Posted Jun 11 2009 - 07:03 AM
BrunoB, on Jun 11 2009, 12:18 AM, said:
...after I posted the above prayer for help I just checked another NOCD thread where Arturo Pereira adviced somebody to UPD NR2003 to BEFORE using a NOCD.
And then I thought that eventhough Im only using GTP and not NR2003 could it make any difference if my reinstalled NR2003 isnt patched to
And then I thought that eventhough Im only using GTP and not NR2003 could it make any difference if my reinstalled NR2003 isnt patched to
It is my understanding you need a patched ( ) version of NR2003 as a base. As long as the NR2003.exe is the patched version, it doesn't matter if it is a CD-needed or NOCD exe.
Then install the gtp mod, and after that you can install the gtp NOCD.exe.
Posted Jun 12 2009 - 01:53 PM
It just dosnt work without CD:-(
I patched the NR2003 and this game is happily running with a NR2003 NOCD.
But its impossible to get GTP to accept a GTP NoCd that was working OK on my old W98 system.
I have tried everything.
I can start GTP and get into all the menus. Go to Trial or Race. Watch all the other drivers.
But as soon as I press the Drive button the game freezes. And the error message says that its the damned TMP.exe that Windows dont like.
I have given up and am now aiming at a virtual drive solution. Pretty irritating because the NOCD solution is much easier:-(:-(
But the good thing is that with the CD the GTP is running pretty good on my Windows 7 64 bit system.
Everything maxed and 100-160fps on a i7/HD4870 system.
I patched the NR2003 and this game is happily running with a NR2003 NOCD.
But its impossible to get GTP to accept a GTP NoCd that was working OK on my old W98 system.
I have tried everything.
I can start GTP and get into all the menus. Go to Trial or Race. Watch all the other drivers.
But as soon as I press the Drive button the game freezes. And the error message says that its the damned TMP.exe that Windows dont like.
I have given up and am now aiming at a virtual drive solution. Pretty irritating because the NOCD solution is much easier:-(:-(
But the good thing is that with the CD the GTP is running pretty good on my Windows 7 64 bit system.
Everything maxed and 100-160fps on a i7/HD4870 system.
Posted Jun 29 2009 - 04:43 AM
GTPs DEP problem solved.
Because its the TMP.exe that causes all the GTPs DEP problems I have been experimenting with how the 4 DEP parameters influences this case.
A short overview:
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff (DEP is disabled for all processes. Sets general DEB policy_level)
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn (DEP is enabled for all processes. Sets general DEB policy_level)
BCDEdit /set nx OptOut (DEP is enabled for all processes. Possible to create a list of applications which do not have DEP applied. OptOut list is disabled if AlwaysOn)
BCDEdit /set nx OptIn (DEP is enabled for only Win system compo/services. Default setting. OptIn is only disabled if AlwaysOff)
NOTE! Dont use the syntax bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff because on some systems this default {GUID} secretly spoils the command!
I think its only repeated again and again over the net because people dont know what they are doing.
They are just blindly repeating what others are telling them (i didnt say nobraining:-)
OK. If you want the GTP to run with a NOCD then
You have to start precisely with the Vista/W7 Command Prompt C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe AS AN ADMINISTRATOR (rightklick).
Dont use some of the others cmd.exe
And then enter the folloving command
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff
Thats all. Now even good old GTP runs happily with only the NOCD gtp_launcher.exe used.
But the downside is that now DEP is disabled for all processes.
And if you believe (I dont:-) that DEP is such an urgent part of the system, then you can activate DEP after running GTP by entering:
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn
In the ideal world it should be possible to to just ad TMP.exe to the DEP exception list (UAC menu), but it isnt that easy.
The reason is because DEP is applied to an entire process. Ie all the sub processes the original (TMP.)exe starts.
And that means that the right way to do this would be to use Windows Task Manager to check all the processes that is started by TMP.exe,
and then use the DEP exception list to set DEP off for ONLY these processes.
Because its the TMP.exe that causes all the GTPs DEP problems I have been experimenting with how the 4 DEP parameters influences this case.
A short overview:
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff (DEP is disabled for all processes. Sets general DEB policy_level)
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn (DEP is enabled for all processes. Sets general DEB policy_level)
BCDEdit /set nx OptOut (DEP is enabled for all processes. Possible to create a list of applications which do not have DEP applied. OptOut list is disabled if AlwaysOn)
BCDEdit /set nx OptIn (DEP is enabled for only Win system compo/services. Default setting. OptIn is only disabled if AlwaysOff)
NOTE! Dont use the syntax bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff because on some systems this default {GUID} secretly spoils the command!
I think its only repeated again and again over the net because people dont know what they are doing.
They are just blindly repeating what others are telling them (i didnt say nobraining:-)
OK. If you want the GTP to run with a NOCD then
You have to start precisely with the Vista/W7 Command Prompt C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe AS AN ADMINISTRATOR (rightklick).
Dont use some of the others cmd.exe
And then enter the folloving command
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff
Thats all. Now even good old GTP runs happily with only the NOCD gtp_launcher.exe used.
But the downside is that now DEP is disabled for all processes.
And if you believe (I dont:-) that DEP is such an urgent part of the system, then you can activate DEP after running GTP by entering:
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn
In the ideal world it should be possible to to just ad TMP.exe to the DEP exception list (UAC menu), but it isnt that easy.
The reason is because DEP is applied to an entire process. Ie all the sub processes the original (TMP.)exe starts.
And that means that the right way to do this would be to use Windows Task Manager to check all the processes that is started by TMP.exe,
and then use the DEP exception list to set DEP off for ONLY these processes.
Edited by BrunoB, Jun 29 2009 - 04:44 AM.
Posted Jun 29 2009 - 10:48 AM
Another strategy to only set DEP off for TMP.exe
At the moment Im opting for another strategy.
I understand it should be possible to include a socalled GUID in the command
bcdedit /set {GUID} nx=AlwaysOff
If Im right (Im not 100% sure:-) then we have to
1. Find the destinct GUID for TMP.exe
2. Format it to fit the bcdedit /set syntax
The format should be {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
But where can we find this GUID?
Until now I have only mannaged to find 2 IDs for the NR2003.exe/TMP.exe
BEX TMP.exe. Error Message: Additional Information 2: {0a9e372d-3b4a-d191-35b9-53a78882e789}
Registry: "AppExePath"="E:\\RedLine-GTP_v1.1\\NR2003.exe" ("ApplicationId"=") {46f997a8-ecbf-4c65-996f-9e6c288326ab}
But all in wain:-(
bcdedit.exe /set {0a9e372d-3b4a-d191-35b9-53a78882e789} nx AlwaysOff Cannot find file
bcdedit.exe /set {46f997a8-ecbf-4c65-996f-9e6c288326ab} nx AlwaysOff Cannot find file
An error occurred while attempting to reference the specified entry. The system cannot find the file specified.
At the moment Im opting for another strategy.
I understand it should be possible to include a socalled GUID in the command
bcdedit /set {GUID} nx=AlwaysOff
If Im right (Im not 100% sure:-) then we have to
1. Find the destinct GUID for TMP.exe
2. Format it to fit the bcdedit /set syntax
The format should be {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
But where can we find this GUID?
Until now I have only mannaged to find 2 IDs for the NR2003.exe/TMP.exe
BEX TMP.exe. Error Message: Additional Information 2: {0a9e372d-3b4a-d191-35b9-53a78882e789}
Registry: "AppExePath"="E:\\RedLine-GTP_v1.1\\NR2003.exe" ("ApplicationId"=") {46f997a8-ecbf-4c65-996f-9e6c288326ab}
But all in wain:-(
bcdedit.exe /set {0a9e372d-3b4a-d191-35b9-53a78882e789} nx AlwaysOff Cannot find file
bcdedit.exe /set {46f997a8-ecbf-4c65-996f-9e6c288326ab} nx AlwaysOff Cannot find file
An error occurred while attempting to reference the specified entry. The system cannot find the file specified.
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