File Name: PnG_TrackLinker v1.1 build2
File Submitter: aSa
File Submitted: 04 Apr 2009
File Updated: 21 Feb 2010
File Category: Addons
UPDATE 21.2.2010 (v1.2 build1):
- made the tool to request admin rights when started (if there's a need)
- also fixed a small bug I accidentally found (crashed when showing a tooltip for Interlagos5 track)
- and now tooltips will show "user-friendly" track names instead of internal names
UPDATE 14.2.2010 (v1.1 build2):
- quick drop down selections for source and target installations
- tooltips will show track names for track folders
- a real installer
This tool is made for those who understand the idea of linking one folder to multiple places using so called soft links or junctions/junction points. With the benefits of saving lots of hard disk space and update time this comes with a risk of accidental file loss if not remembering/understanding the basic idea of linking.
With folder links one folder (source folder) is linked to one or more separate places in your hard disk (target folders, "ghost folders"). What ever you do with the source folder contents will get "mirrored" instantaneously to the target folders. That comes from a fact that accessing target folders actually transfers you silently (at OS level) in to the source folder. This will ALSO mean that if you CLEAR your target folder, you will actually clear your source folder! And of course vice versa.
Please, REMEMBER the following basic rules!
- please DO NOT REMOVE linked folders (targets) with other means than this tool (f.ex. with Windows Explorer). It will result in an empty source folder! (=track files lost).
- please DO NOT UNINSTALL a game/mod which has folders linked into it. By doing so will result in empty source folders! (=track files are lost).
If you want to do either of those things above, you must REMEMBER TO FIRST REMOVE FOLDER LINKS WITH THIS TOOL.
This tools will duplicate tracks from one game installation to another without actually copying them (disk space waste). Also if you update "the source track", the change will be effective to all linked targets at the same moment.
This tools uses NTFS functions which requires at least "NTFS V5.0" that is found from Windows 2000. Newer operating system with NTFS should be ok as long as source and target drives are local, non-network drives.
Will not work with FAT/FAT16/FAT32 drives as a target, but source installation can be in a FAT type drive.
More in the readme.txt
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