Here are some general optimizations that should help give you better framerates with your GTR2-PnG installation.
Many of these tweaks were originally taken from various postings indicating tweaks that worked well for GTL, but these apply to GTR2 as well (and thus the PnG mod):
Open the "Your-Player-Name".PLR file with notepad (the file is located at "...\UserData\your-player-name" folder), search the following lines and change their values (please note that they were not written in order here).
If you're curious about what we're doing for these values, for all the following lines/parameters that are placed as a single "0" (zero) or "1" (one), they respectively mean "no" and "yes".
Tire Sampling="1" // set to "0" for slightly better framerates on very low-end systems
[ Graphic Options ]
Compressed Textures="0" // set to "1" for better framerates on low-end systems
Driver Animations="1" // set to "0" for better framerates on low-end systems; this will NOT disable your visible driver arms or moving steering wheel in YOUR car
Track Animations="0" // recommend set to "0" for better performance on all systems
Disable All Character Anims="1" // recommend set to "0" for most systems (BIG framerate hog)
LOD Multiplier Multiplier="1.00250" // change value to "0.99000"
Livery UltraRez="0" // recommend set to "0" for better framerates on low-end systems
Cockpit UltraRez="1" // recommend set to "0" for better framerates on very low-end systems
Reduced Track Textures="0" // recommend set to "1" for better framerates on very low-end systems
[ Game Options ]
Vertex Damage="0" // set to "0" for better performance on all systems
If you're curious about what we're doing for these values, for all the following lines/parameters that are placed as a single "0" (zero) or "1" (one), they respectively mean "no" and "yes".
Tire Sampling="1" // set to "0" for slightly better framerates on very low-end systems
[ Graphic Options ]
Compressed Textures="0" // set to "1" for better framerates on low-end systems
Driver Animations="1" // set to "0" for better framerates on low-end systems; this will NOT disable your visible driver arms or moving steering wheel in YOUR car
Track Animations="0" // recommend set to "0" for better performance on all systems
Disable All Character Anims="1" // recommend set to "0" for most systems (BIG framerate hog)
LOD Multiplier Multiplier="1.00250" // change value to "0.99000"
Livery UltraRez="0" // recommend set to "0" for better framerates on low-end systems
Cockpit UltraRez="1" // recommend set to "0" for better framerates on very low-end systems
Reduced Track Textures="0" // recommend set to "1" for better framerates on very low-end systems
[ Game Options ]
Vertex Damage="0" // set to "0" for better performance on all systems
Make sure your video card is sufficient to support DX9.0 shaders -- if you're struggling with lower framerates, try switching to DX8.0 shaders; this is a good option on lower-end systems, as you give up a little of eye candy for a big improvement on frame-rates.
Notice that having a newer video card doesn't necessarily mean you're set to run DX9.0 with high-ish settings, the segment where it belongs is important.
For instances, even if two generations old (3 to 4 years), a high end graphics card will always perform better than the latest gen low end card, like examples following:
- For Nvidia, a GeForce 7900GT or 8800GT will offer you better performance than a 9400GT or a GT120 card in DX9.0
- For ATI, a X1950XT or HD3870 will offer you better performance than a HD4350 or a HD5450 performance in DX9.0.
Most of these settings can be found in the Options - Video and Options - Advanced menu sections (these can also be set in the .PLR file, but it's easier to make sure you've got them selected properly by checking the selections in-game):
DRAW DISTANCE -- using “Very Far” draw distance is not much of a FPS killer but better use "Normal" draw distance, it's more than enough and definitely keeps FPS much more stabilized (less variation of FPS around the track -- recommend NORMAL)
TRACK DETAIL -- can be a FPS killer if it's on FULL, decrease it to HIGH or even MEDIUM.
SHADOWS -- using shadows in MAX is perhaps the biggest FPS killer, HIGH or MEDIUM is the best option.(recommend MEDIUM)
SPECIAL EFFECTS -- big FPS killer in HIGH or FULL . . . reduce to MEDIUM or even LOW
VEHICLE DETAIL (both settings) -- recommend setting to FULL or HIGH in own car, HIGH or MEDIUM for other cars.
MAX VISIBLE VEHICLES -- "16" is usually the best choice, you'll see all the cars around you, without having your PC on its knees due to too many rendered cars on screen.
TRACKSIDE CHARACTERS -- de-select (no 'check' mark)
...that's all, folks!
Edited by DucFreak, Nov 06 2012 - 06:51 AM.