As you know by now, Power&Glory is a free mod/expansion by GTLWorkshop for GTR2, a game title by SIMBIN.
For the past versions of P&G you also needed a GT Legends disk to install the mod in GTR2.
This has changed for P&G version 3, and now only GTR2 is needed to install it.
UPDATE: In December 2012, STEAM has released a digital version of GTR2, which you can purchase really, really cheap (current price is at 8,99 Euros!!!):

-------- GTR2 - DIGITAL (STEAM) VERSION -------- ...
As for the physical copies (CD/DVD versions), GTR2 is getting really hard to find these days on stores. New un-opened boxes are becoming rare, but used ones are always around.
It's through online retailers where you'll find both easyer and cheaper:

---------------------- GTR2 ----------------------
https://www.play.com/....rlrefer=search (UK)
https://www.ebay.com/...TR2&_sacat=1249 (Ebay International)
- https://www.amazon.co...5&keywords=GTR2
There's also a special version of interest, the last one released for sale (late 2007) where both GTR2 and GTL are sold in one pack (two separate games on one single box):

NOTE: beware of overpriced copies (especially in the case of the "two-in-one" package), the games are getting rare in CD/DVD form but we don't incentive purchasing copies from opportunist sellers.
If you find more places/links of interest, please post it here, as it might interest newcomers having problems finding these simulator games (we'll update this post with that info).

Edited by DucFreak, Feb 19 2013 - 02:55 PM.