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Atlasf1 - Oval Division Season 15 + Gtp Division Season 5

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#1 Arturo Pereira

Arturo Pereira

    Denny Hulme

  • Moderator
  • 933 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Sim interest:GPL

Posted Mar 28 2007 - 10:26 PM


Posted Image

24:00GMT / 19:00 EST/ 20 :00EDT Mondays

Practice = 60min
Happy Hour = 5min
Race= +- 1 hour
PitStops= 1x
Full Pace Lap = ON

Double File Restarts= ON
Yellow Flag = ON
Fixed Setup = ON -
FAST(this MAY change yet)
Hardcore Mode = OFF
Damage = ON - Moderate

Season 15 IP

Point System = Standard NR2003 ... 8 best races out of 10 will count for the GNS Championship.

ALL lapped cars should let the leaders pass as soon as they notice their presence. To do this, just move to the outside raceline and keep it there until the other car/s pass. A lapped car does not need to let the leader pass ONLY if it is fighting for the position with other lapped car. The driver/s that are attempting to pass under these conditions is/are responsible for executing a clean pass.

NO racing back to the line under YELLOWs
Drivers are not allowed to race back to the line. As soon as the track condition lights turn to yellow or the spotter announces a yellow-flag, drivers have to hold their position, gently slow down and form up to a single-line formation, regardless of what the in-game spotter might say. Lead lap drivers may allow lapped cars, which are directly behind the leading car, to pass and eventually give them the lap back. However it is not mandatory. Lapped drivers have to drive as cautiously as any other driver.
This rule does not come into action in the final ten laps of a race.

Drivers are not allowed to chat during the qualifying sessions and the race. Only the auto-chat function is allowed to inform other drivers about the drivers' intentions and only during the race.

Team Championship
Drivers can organize Teams of 2 or 3 drivers. The points will be calculated considering the points both drivers got for each race.
Only the best 2 final positions for each Team will count. The same will happen with 3 drivers Teams.


1.When a Yellow is ON, all cars must keep the speed of the pace car +- 10%, SPECIALLY in the last lap before the Green. If a car can't keep this speed, just park it OR move off the track and go into the pits.

b. Championship
Drivers will receive
10 points for finishing the whole race. If you do not complete all the laps, you will be awarded a percentage of the 10 points depending on the percentage of the race you completed. All drivers that start a race will receive their % of the basic 10 points, even if they finish the race in 9th position or higher.
In addition, the top 8 finishers will receive points as follows:

1st -10 points
2nd - 8
3rd - 6
4th - 5
5th - 4
6th - 3
7th - 2
8th - 1

Teams of 2 drivers are accepted. If a Team presents 3 drivers, only the 1st 2 drivers will receive points. Teams points will be equal to the total points received by the individual drivers.

If we have no teams conformed before the start of the season, points will be awarded according the the chassis used.

Best 8 out of 10 races will count for the Championship.

c. Races
All sessions will consist of a 60m Practice followed by a race, as defined in the Schedule.

We will be hosting practice races in the OFF days.
Practice: 1hour
Warmup (HH) 5 mins
Race 60 mins (approx)

Tire Wear= 2X
Hard core=OFF
Full pace lap=OFF
Weather=Day/70/Clear/No wind

Setups: free

Season 5 IP
Password will be the same as we've been using.

d. Startime
As posted at this thread.

e. Chassis of Choice
Since the Mazda is severely penalized with huge fuel consumption, we do not recommend it as the car of choice. All the other chassis are ok, and we strongly suggest to the fastests drivers to use the Toyota.

No chatting is allowed after the official practice starts. Only 'PI' and 'PO' are allowed. If it would be possible, leave the 'sorry' for the post race comments.

g. Turn 1 incidents and other related stuff
They are very common and we would not like them to spoil the fun. All T1 incidents will be reviewed in detail and penalties will be applied if they are deserved. Be patient and keep the distance. No races are won at T1.

If somebody rearends other car, please, wait for the other car to recover before rejoining the race. This is strongly recommended.
There is NO PASSING before the s/f line and also be aware that leaving a big gap to get a 'run' on the car ahead at the start will be subject to penalty.

h. Post race reports
All drivers are encouraged to post his comments about each race, either positive or negative. However, we will not tolerate any flame war here. All protests about incidents must be emailed to me right after the race with a copy of the replay from the incident/s. No exceptions to this rule, period.
If anybody would want to discuss an incident in public, it is ok, BUT keep flames out of the thread. That discussion/analysis must be useful to avoid other incidents, not to find a guilty of charge.

If you have any doubt or question, shoot

All other AtlasF1 Legends League rules are in effect.

1 B McLean Team Spinal Tap
2 A Pereira WFO/Chueco
5 L Simpson Team Spinal Tap
7 J McMahon Berta Motorsports A
8 Gord Geezer MRCGT
9 T McMahon Berta Motorsports A
12 A Windle Privateer
17 I Genta Privateer
21 JC Diez Medina Privateer
23 M Bennett Team ZoMbian
33 R Coles Team ZoMbian
34 Dan Archey WFO/Chueco
35 B Guillaume WFO/Chueco
39 O Gomez Privateer
43 Rolf Just Privateer
55 Jeff Gogo Privateer
67 Jimmy McMahon Berta Motorsports A
77 Z Kirilian Team ZoMbian
84 Dennis Sisson Privateer
88 Kent Dickie Rothmanns
99 Jeff Goldner WFO/Chueco

NR2003_NO_CD patched exe

GTP Launcher patched with NO_CD


For more information, look here

AtlasF1 Legends League forum

and PM/email me :)

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