Pedro, on May 25 2006, 11:31 AM, said:
I have driven al the included tracks now, and I must say I Like it a lot.

Sorry to say it but there is one thing I don't like, and that is the light bundle I see in the cockpit view.
I have driven all the tracks with the F10 key on (outside look).

Because of the light bundle in front, I can not see the track details I need as break-markers.
Also I beleave that you mis the beautiful night seenery of the very nice looking tracks.
- Is there maybe a trick, switch ore patch to dim the onboard lights

- And another question, am I the only one that thinks so about it

Any way, Thanks to every body who made this posible

Also great that the Night mod tracks are added to the Total Rank.
I see what I can do in this case. There are some people who want to switch the lights off, but I think they add a lot of atmosphere to the nightdrives.
Thank you for your kind words, Pedro