A small addon.
No, not like "A small addon" in GPL, just a trklogo (track logo).
I had wondered why Lyndon Karber of "NR Tracks ( The Tracts Abstract )" had not used a picture of the logo that came with the track when he reviewed Irish Hills in Feature Issue #7. Instead, he had "Irish Hills" in a decorative font. I just sorta assumed the original didn't work for him. It wasn't until I was perusing his track download list ( in the last few days ) and there was now a full blown logo simulation. I thought maybe Kurt hadn't liked what I sent either, and included one of his own designs. So I downloaded the track, and lo and behold, there is no logo included. I must have not put it in the final package, although I must admit, at that time, I think I sent things more piecemeal.
To rectify that oversite, here it is now.
Irish_Hills_Logo.zip (8.34K)
Number of downloads: 138
"NR Tracks ( The Tracts Abstract )" ( catchy title, huh? I wonder why The Radt hasn't used his considerable influence to streamline that name )
Lotsa stuff to read and look at, and generally have a good time.
Thank you dangermouse for allowing attachments here now.
Also a good time to thank you again forallowing all of us to use this space.
This post has been edited by fortine_oo: May 20 2007 - 11:28 AM