becky, on Oct 01 2010 - 04:11 PM, said:
sky, on Oct 01 2010 - 03:23 PM, said:
if you need help just holler. i'll be glad to step in and do tuts. i've done one or two already somewhere around there. well i use winmip too, simply for the standard v1 rasters version. but for anything else it's papybmp for me. it's just so much better. i have to try this on something like trees and bushes yet, most likely spa will be the first track to get a treatment of that - and i hope to bring it to another level using that. we'll see if it works out like that
i know the woes of painting textures for these babies.. just ask me about the p4. cost me a good quarter of a year - actually right now it sits in gpl trackeditor on one of my screens here being tinkered with . if you (still) have access, checkout bob's forum, there should be uvw maps posted for most cars now and that should help with the texturing a lot (you'll see why that line shows where it shows, etc. - i haven't checked them myself yet as i made me promise to finish this ferrari first before touching anything else (just because i know myself all to well). besides i work in ultra highres when i do the textures, so i can be a bit more precise (until resizing that is)...
as for that shadow.. it is a pretty car and i'm still waiting for a big shadow cars fan to come back with a bunch of scans he wanted to send me of all their cars including the mk2 (cockpit shots in particular). welcome back to the fold
Help will surely be highly appreciated at some points. I know that there is a tool in Photoshop to simulate the effect of rotating objects, such as wheels. With PSP I help myself turning the complete template by some degrees, copy the whole stuff and put it on my wheel I already have. Repeating that procedure with various angles and giving the layers different tranparancies gives me a xxx3out wheel. It works, but it's surely not state-of-the-art.
I use Paint Shop Pro as well, in v8 the radial blur is lacking but it's included in v9 . Look for it in the blur menu.
Edited by TvO, Oct 04 2010 - 04:09 PM.