This is a revamped Aitw103.exe with help. This file needs the Visual Basic 6.0 RunTime Files, if you don't have Win2k/XP you can download them from M$.
Download Visual Basic Runtime
I have posted this app in:
and 600 people have looked at it and possibly used it, but I've had no feedback. If you have any problems or suggestions for improvement then let me know.
GPL Tweaker Update
I believe there are some 400+ additional tracks you can add to gpl. People have asked me if I can add these additional tracks to the program. Yes I can on an additional track speed editor.
Here it is GPL Tweaker Update. This will allow you to set the track speeds for any additional tracks you have installed. There are 2 files in this zip, a new GPL Tweaker.exe and an updated GPL Tweaker.hlp. If you are replacing the last GPL Tweaker.exe then put both of these files in the same folder. Because this is an update please delete the old GPL Tweaker.ini. It will ask for the location of Gpl.exe on startup.
If you haven't used my GPL Tweaker before then you can put these two files in any folder you wish too.
EDIT:Look further down this thread for the Updated file, Post #5
Have fun tweaking.
Attached Files
Edited by Keithuk, Oct 05 2005 - 06:30 AM.