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Nascar 2003 Season Dirt Tracks

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#1 Compyableaphid52


    Chris Amon

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Posted Jun 05 2020 - 08:13 AM

So, lately, I've been toying around with some dirt tracks for this game, and I've found that a majority are quite hit or miss, and when I say quite, I mean that. So, I took about an hour, and tested about every track but 3 or 4 i think on weebly. I have  a file list of what i shook down to what I thought to be the most "realistic" tracks for the purpose of dirt racing in this game. In my opinion, these tracks seem to really nail the fell of sliding a stock car around an oval, while this will never be anything like Dirtworks Designs for rFactor, as a NR2003S mod, I think it hits the spot quite nice when using the right tracks. One reason I do this is because it may be hard for folks to find the best tracks for dirt racing, including myself, so for those folks, i hope this helps. Most of these tracks are obvious choices, such as the tracks featured on the bullring website, and some WKC and WCR tracks. Whoever makes the tracks between these three groups really knows what they are doing. And finally, to end my tangent, if anyone has any questions concerning the file names listed, i should be able to respond, that, and any suggestions regarding tracks I haven't included are welcome, I'll take any as mentioned above, good dirt tracks for this game are hard to find. Cheers all who see this!

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Edited by Compyableaphid52, Jun 05 2020 - 08:14 AM.

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