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Gpl Mod Installations

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#1 Liggy64


    Jochen Rindt

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Posted May 18 2020 - 07:13 PM

This maybe a dumb question...but here goes.

I have been running GPL for many years and have accumulated all of the mods, most of the tracks and all of the other things that have been made for GPL over the years. Consequently, the GPL installation on my computer is/was a complete mess. I have decided to clean up the installation and maximise all of the tracks and mods to the best versions. I am still sorting through all of the 67 Season mods and have been studying the instructions for the other single seater mods for the 1960's before installing them. Who reads the instructions??? I have seen references to the fact that the other mods have files inside of the track files that work with the particular mod. I never knew this.

What does it mean for tracks that are not included or connected to the mod? What is the file and what does it provide for the mod?

For example, if I decide to use a track like LeMans with the Canam cars, what I an losing out on by Lemans not being a recognised CanAm track? In my new installation of GPL should I just keep to using the recognised tracks for a particular mod? Will this provide a better racing experience for the mod?

I have reached the conclusion that I will probably make separate GPL installs for the CanAm cars and the 1955 mods, but I intend to have all of the 1960's mods in one instance.

I am ready to be enlightened in this matter.

#2 marco lenarduzzi

marco lenarduzzi

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Posted May 18 2020 - 10:51 PM

I would think that the AI may be a problem sometimes, unless someone has created AI files for a specific track for that specific mod but that's not always the case.Most of the time it works just fine. There are many AI fixes in the forums. Other than that I don't think there is a problem with racing Can-Am cars at Monza or Le Mans. I love racing the 71 Can-Ams at Bathurst,or the Stratos mod at I.O.M. circuit. It's great fun!! :)

#3 Stefan Roess

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Posted May 19 2020 - 03:42 AM

Liggy64 I have all mods in one GPL installation. I start each mod via GEM+.
Some prefere separate installs for each mod, I like to have it all in one GPL installation. Works fine for me.

If there are any mod specific files (AI, track graphics only visible for a certain mod, ...) they will be read when you start the mod, provide the mod specific files are in the right place of your installation (see readme instructions of the updates and mods you install).
The mod specific files can come with mods you install and also with new track installations or when you put the files by yourself into GPL afterwards.

For example Le Mans.
You can race Le Mans of course with any GPL mod, also with Can-Am 71 and Can-Am 66.
If there are for example AI files for these mods in your track folder they will be read when you start the mod.
If not, the mod will read a default AI file that might not work perfect for the mod. Then you can adjust it manually via GEM+. But I am no expert on AI. :)

For some tracks we have multi season track updates (e.g. for Zandvoort, Rouen, Mexico, ...), that means that you see different track graphics with different mods. But we do not have a full track update for Can-Am cars for Le Mans.
The best update for Le Mans (La Sarthe) we have atm is here:

Did my explanation help?

Edited by Stefan Roess, Jun 11 2020 - 04:08 PM.

#4 Liggy64


    Jochen Rindt

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Posted May 19 2020 - 04:06 AM

Thanks guys. I have a better understanding of mods and how they relate to tracks. The mod can create an átmospheric' enhancement in some tracks. I wasn't aware of that feature. I will have to pay more attention to the ReadMe files that are attached to the mods.

AI manipulating is a bit of a black art to me and I certainly don't have an understanding of how the AI is created and functions. I know that there are some mods and tracks where the AI are terrible, and others that are brilliant. Are there multiple AI files in a track that relate to different mods? I am learning something

#5 webfoot


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Posted May 19 2020 - 04:29 AM

My spreadsheet here tries to list all the "mod specific" file extensions for each mod.  There is a section for the track specific files


#6 Marx


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Posted May 20 2020 - 07:38 AM

I have copied my GPL install from different Windows version to the next without major issues. Over time I added tracks, carsets, graphics, rasterizers, and mods. My install was first on XP and now 10. I transferred the install to a new PC 7 years ago and from my HD to a SSD 4 years ago. I also copied the full install to my Win10 laptop. The element I did reinstall after every major change was GEM+. I use one GPL install and use GEM+ to access mods, tracks and cars.  I hope this helps.

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