M Needforspeed, on Feb 21 2020 - 10:07 AM, said:
I am less and less sure that the optimal FOV set at 92° to get a more "natural" driving be the best to reduce motion sickness !!!
Unfortunately, it's possible that the best method for reducing the motion sickness might be to go back to just using a single-screen setup. FOV, viewing distance etc may not have much of an effect.
Motion sickness is caused by two sections of your brain having an argument with each other. The visual cortex (connected to your eyes) looks at the triple-screen view, and thinks that you're really in a car. However, the section of your brain that deals with motion and balance (connected to your inner ear), doesn't feel the usual g-forces which you
should experience when you are accelerating, braking or turning. So when you're driving GPL, those two sections of your brain are having a fight over what you are "really" doing. This can lead to a feeling of nausea.
With a single-screen setup, the peripheral region of your vision can see the area surrounding the screen, and it "realises" that you're actually sitting in a fixed room, not in a car. So now your eyes match the opinion of your balance mechanism, and there's no longer any conflict.
(This is also why it's not a good idea for some people to read while travelling in a car. If you're looking down at a book, your eyes don't see the world moving past outside the car, and the visual cortex starts to think that you're sitting in an ordinary, stationary seat. Meanwhile, your balance mechanism can feel the car moving, and so once again an argument starts between the two sections of the brain. This is what leads to car sickness.)