Igor Race List
Started by Paulcoy , Sep 11 2019 - 10:48 AM
10 replies to this topic
Posted Sep 11 2019 - 10:48 AM
What is the latest Race List for the iGOR ini file ?
Posted Sep 11 2019 - 11:29 AM
[ RaceListServers ]
IP = igor.gplrank.info
IP = igor.gplrank.info
Posted Sep 11 2019 - 04:36 PM
Thanks Bo. I'm only getting a list of 6 is that about right ?
Posted Sep 11 2019 - 08:52 PM
it varies, i've seen as many as 10.... but seeing any is good 

Posted Sep 12 2019 - 10:26 AM
Thanks again Bo. That's a shame, as in the old days there were loads
Posted Sep 12 2019 - 03:15 PM
Yes a shame but honestly for an over 20 years old game 6 are still many. 

Edited by Stefan Roess, Sep 12 2019 - 03:17 PM.
Posted Sep 12 2019 - 04:17 PM
It depends on when you look.

There are, on a daily basis except weekends, drivers who may join one of the open servers beginning around 10 or so AM CST (Mexico City) then off and on until maybe as late as 7PM, with several typically visiting around 3 to 5 PM, although often only a few at the same time.
Just have to check in often to see if someone else is on a track.
Very often, if two are there already another driver will show up.
If you drive the popular Mods and qualify for open races it seems possible to enjoy on-line racing on an almost if not daily basis.

There are, on a daily basis except weekends, drivers who may join one of the open servers beginning around 10 or so AM CST (Mexico City) then off and on until maybe as late as 7PM, with several typically visiting around 3 to 5 PM, although often only a few at the same time.
Just have to check in often to see if someone else is on a track.
Very often, if two are there already another driver will show up.
If you drive the popular Mods and qualify for open races it seems possible to enjoy on-line racing on an almost if not daily basis.

Edited by John Woods, Sep 13 2019 - 09:23 AM.
Posted Sep 14 2019 - 08:06 AM
There are still plenty of active gpl online leagues.
Your best bet for regular races is to join one or more.
Your best bet for regular races is to join one or more.
Posted Sep 14 2019 - 10:15 AM
To be sure, Paul. I regularaly compete in the following online leagues under assorted pseudonyms...
ADC(Average Drivers Club); features all modes in a rotation
GPL Brazil; currently running the original 1967 rides.
Clandestines; currently running the 1967X mod.
F1 Historic Esports League; original 1967 rides with Dirtgear patch.
Funliga(60fps); currently, the SC mod.
GPLRacer; GP65 & SC mods.
OAO oAo (Online Autoracing Organization); original 1967 rides.
And that's only about half of what's available on a regular basis.
Edit: Forgot to mention the most excellent PDLR league as well. Currently using the GP65 mod.
ADC(Average Drivers Club); features all modes in a rotation
GPL Brazil; currently running the original 1967 rides.
Clandestines; currently running the 1967X mod.
F1 Historic Esports League; original 1967 rides with Dirtgear patch.
Funliga(60fps); currently, the SC mod.
GPLRacer; GP65 & SC mods.
And that's only about half of what's available on a regular basis.
Edit: Forgot to mention the most excellent PDLR league as well. Currently using the GP65 mod.
Edited by Bo Bruce, Sep 14 2019 - 11:27 AM.
Posted Apr 11 2020 - 01:51 PM
It is 22 years after the release of GPL and there are still 11 servers online, 3 of them hosting the new Goodwood 1965 track.
Not bad for an old sim.
Just the pickup drivers are missing.
Not bad for an old sim.

Just the pickup drivers are missing.

Attached Files
Edited by Stefan Roess, Apr 11 2020 - 01:52 PM.
Posted Apr 11 2020 - 05:05 PM
Thanks Stefan! It is not often I get to see what the ping is from Germany to my servers on Cape Cod.
Edited by Warren Hall Jr., Apr 11 2020 - 05:05 PM.
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