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Laptop Issue

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#1 twinpotter


    Richard "Dick"Seaman

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Posted Sep 04 2019 - 05:41 PM

Hi everybody. I believe there may be some tech gurus here that can give me some tips 🤔

So I've just been given a Toshiba Pro Satellite laptop, with Windows 8 OS. Not sure of it's other technical spec 🤔

Its been given to me In return for retrieving some photo's of the ex owners family. Which I will attempt to do either by getting the laptop running, or removing the HD.

So the problem is that the laptop is not booting up or starting. Just the black screen. When you connect the power lead there is no power light. But when you press the power button, a light appears, but still no boot up and still a black screen. Also on pushing the power button there is no sound of anything trying to run internally 🤔

What I've done so far is an hard power reset, by removing the battery, holding the power button for 30 seconds to drain power and then reconnecting the power ( without battery) to see if it comes alive. No joy. I've also removed and replaced the memory and done memory card and memory holder checks. No joy there too.

My next step is to connect another power lead, to eliminate a fault in the original. I'm not certain but maybe the power connection in the laptop as been broken?
Also I'm going to connect to an external monitor to see if theres an image coming from the laptop?
I believe there's a way to bring up the bios screen too, but without a screen image, I'm not sure 🤔

Maybe the graphics card or mother board as gone, I'm uncertain at present?

I would like to save and rescue it if I can, because it's pretty good condition. If that's not possible then it's going to go in the skip.

Anybody got any ideas and experience of this issue. Would welcome advice 👍

TP: 😁

#2 Cookie


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Posted Sep 04 2019 - 07:58 PM

Laptops often die by overheating,
sitting on the bed with the pc on a cushion, the poor CPU gets no cool air and dies when watching a movie...

or as I saw at my sons Laptop, the cooling intake was full of dust so there was no airflow possible...

Search for a manual in the net how to open the case and look for any signs of burnt ic's and dusted coolers.

No sound of anything trying to run, sounds not good, but yes try another PSU as they also die sometimes.

#3 Tigs


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Posted Sep 05 2019 - 02:58 PM

Hi Twinpotter,
It sounds like the power system is fried. The fact that you don't hear anything moving when you power it up is the biggest giveaway on an older laptop. Hopefully I'm wrong and there is a simple fix.
If you still need to get the piccy's off, when you've got the back off, pull the hard drive and stick it in a USB external drive caddy. That way you or your friend can plug it into any pc and pull the pictures off.
Good luck!

#4 twinpotter


    Richard "Dick"Seaman

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Posted Sep 05 2019 - 04:18 PM

Thank you Cookie for your words. I've still to check the power lead option and the screen image to another PC.
If those options don't work, I could try open heart surgery, but it's finding the cause. It could be looking like a skip job, which is unfortunate. Never the less it came as a freebie. So no tears there.

Thanks Tigs too. I have a HD caddy, which will be used to at least rescue the photographs. Hopefully anyway.

Thanks all 👍

TP: 😁

#5 Michkov


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Posted Sep 06 2019 - 04:35 AM

Seems like reasonable second and third tries, but I fear the others are right that the internals are fried. If the issue is software, then you'd expect to see at least an early boot screen and bios prompt. But since the light is only on for a moment, if I understood correctly, I doubt there is power flowing through the system at all.

#6 SSampson


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Posted Sep 07 2019 - 03:14 AM

Get the exact model number off the laptop - then search on that (always the first thing you do) - download the field service guide if you can - and basic specs - let you know stuff that may save time in testing (like memory combinations)

The fact you get a light is interesting.... typically that would tell me your input voltage is OK -
No beep or activity often indicates major component - CPU/Video/Memory (simplistically put)

What I'd do in this case is strip it down and add items in one at a time

Take out your drive - take out your memory - power on - check for any activity - lights - on or flashing - random or regular flash - fan movement (likely audible) - any beeps..... etc

If possible, remove the CPU and try a power on - again listening for beeps, fan movement (if plugged in) etc - NOW - you want to make sure you have GOOD thermal compound available - clean and add as little as possible for coverage (more isn't better) - if you don't, I'd avoid removing devices that require compound (CPU/GPU) - FYI, I've done it, but I'd be wrong to recommend it -

When adding back memory (and possible with your model) - you'll want to eliminate ONE piece being bad - so put in one - then the other - if it has 4, you should rotate through them.... remembering some laptops prefer pairs as well.... again, different laptops..... if you DO have a 'known good' compatible module, use that .... although I've popped good modules before - although rare

If you are getting absolutely nowhere, look for damage, breaks and loose bits (my guess is you'd see physical damage on the outside - or around the hinge area)

I know I just gave you a million combinations - in a ramble, but MONZA FP3 starts soon (and I'm not wearing my reading glasses - LOL - this MAY be all in Italian)

FYI - I'd have to say that typically I see a much higher CPU fail rate than board fail rate in laptops OVER 6 months in age (6 months of use - not model age) ....

Some of the above tests may be pointless depending on the board - the service manual may or may not give enough info to determine that -

Remember to record even the most minute change.... I don't do a lot of repair anymore..... but from 1980 to 2010+ I did a bunch - hehe.... and the biggest mistake I always made (well, still make) was ignoring the little things and making assumptions - be methodical....

Well - hope that helps.... assuming it was coherent :-)

Cheers -

#7 twinpotter


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Posted Sep 07 2019 - 04:20 AM

Thank you Michkov for the words 😁👍

Thanks SSampson too! Every bit of info understood and stored into my grey matter 😁

I've still to try the easy options first of another power lead and casting an image to another PC, as part of elimination.

I've never opened up a laptop, but seen as though I got this free, I'm going to use it as a challenge and a test bed. Yes I'll take it steady and be careful, but if I wreck something, or can't puzzle out what's wrong, it's all a learning excercise. As long as I get the photos that will be the important bit. I would just love to get it working again and get my first PC repair badge. Lol 😂😂

Regarding the the lights. If I connect the original power lead and switch on the mains power, no lights come on the front of the machine. I thought that there would be a stand by light visible. Then if I press the power on button, on the laptop, I get the power lights appear on the laptop, but no boot up and no internal sound?
As you have all said, something could be fried?

I know from questioning the previous owner and friend, they are a little bit sketchy on the account of how the machines failure occurred. As it was part of a set for a group activity that they ran. So probably a member of the group as caused the issue and is unclear of what happened.
I know my friend said they think someone tripped over the power lead, while it was plugged in. Which could indicate power issues, and shorting things to fry the machine?

I've been doing a few YT videos about testing components with multi-meters, so that's what I intend to do.

Wait for another bang. Lol 😂😂

Thanks all for your words, support and advice. Much appreciated 😁👍


#8 Michkov


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Posted Sep 07 2019 - 05:09 AM

No light when plugged in sounds like an issue with the internal charging hardware. Not quite sure how you could replace those parts apart from taking parts from another machine. Even then the way laptops are highly integrated devices you dont get that many plug in cards and components. Usually HD and RAM are quite easy to access but that's how far it goes regarding easy swaps. They also come with access panels on the bottom, for the rest of the parts you'll pretty much remove the whole back.

Go with SSampsons advice, find the service manual and take it from there. Best way to find that is via the serial number. Look at the bottom of the device or behind the battery pack.

#9 twinpotter


    Richard "Dick"Seaman

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Posted Sep 08 2019 - 10:55 AM

Cheers Michkov 😁👍

Gonna try my best 🤭🤭

TP: 🏁

#10 Warren Hall Jr.

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Posted Sep 08 2019 - 05:29 PM

You could also try a universal hard drive adapter. They just use a USB to plug into any computer. I have one to recover hard drive files.
Of course if the hard drive is toast it won't work.

#11 twinpotter


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Posted Sep 09 2019 - 03:03 PM

So I've tried the two easy options.

Another power lead didn't work. So original power lead fault eliminated.

Transfer of any image to another laptop. No joy, probably because of no boot up with internal sound. That's eliminated.

So it's down to open heart surgery. My test bed is sorted for the next few weeks 😁

Warren I've got a pre purchased HD carrier adapter. I've now transferred all the requested photos, as instructed by the previous laptops owner, onto another HD. So at least that's done.

Now then where's my tools 😁👍🤔🙏

MG: 🏁

#12 Cookie


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Posted Sep 09 2019 - 04:51 PM

I found this : https://www.manualsl...page=151#manual

#13 SSampson


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Posted Sep 09 2019 - 06:58 PM

Good on getting the manual (assuming you got the right model - LOL)

One tool I use a LOT now is a camera  -  many parts are obvious, but laptops are a bit more complicated - parts wise - than a desktop (for example). And EVERY make and model is different. I started this before digital cameras - now I use them for everything from quickly recording serial numbers or FRU# etc - to showing steps during disassembly - even for screen shots udring boot or when there is no device access

Another tool in some devices I use is painters green tape to mark holes I removed screws from - etc - as a reminder when reassemlby ....

Maybe I'm just getting older and my memory is worse - LOL -

Also - plastic cards help - its VERY easy to break plastics on some brands - especially the hidden little clips - although the manual should help you there - a LOT

It is worth taking your time on - things that seem like overkill will save you some headaches (by nature I'm impatient and tend to skip a lot of recording steps.... and I've been doing this for decades - which helps.... but the occasional time I get bitten it enough to realise being careful has some value)

OH - and NO LED - when there IS one - indicating you've attached the PSU (I misunterstood the first time) - definately means you are going inside....

FYI - I can't say about your model specifically - but Toshiba is one make that has had a history of DC plug damage - check for continuity between the end where the plug enters (female) and the solder connection on the PCB itself - apply a BIT of force and jiggle while checking as well

remember to ground yourself - if you dont have a strap, stay off carpets with socks , ground youself often to something while you are working - a KNOWN ground - wear cotton....

There - more head stuff....


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