So I decided to take the plunge, and buy me a G29 wheel. I plugged it into my PC XP service pack3 system, and wonderfully the wheel was working great, in GPL and in all my other F1 games. The wheel was also recognised in the Windows control panel.
I then realised that I wasn't getting enough force feedback and pull from the wheel and realised that the wheel was working on my PC through having it switched on the PS3 mode.
After some research online, it was stated that you have to switch your wheel to the PS4 mode and also install the Logitech gaming software profiler.
So therefore I downloaded the profile. Some wouldn't install because I'm 32bit and the installers were 64bit and so were incompatible. After finally finding an old 32bit installer though and installing the profiler, the Logitech software doesn't detect my wheel. I then checked the Windows control panel and the wheel is detected there in PS4 mode. Unfortunately though the X and Y axis bars fill up to the top (pressing the pedal) and also face buttons. But doesn't come back down to zero. It's just stuck up full on the X and Y axis bars. Also when I move the wheel left and right, the little calibration cross in the box doesn't move.
I add that I need this sorting for more feedback/pull and to use my H shifter too.
So after trying countless times, without success, I decided to go back to the PS3 mode and live without any feedback/pull or H shifter.
Now though the wheel won't spin and calibrate on the PS3 mode switch and the wheel is not detected in the Windows control panel anymore. If I pull the usb out and reconnect the wheel clicks (as if it's going to calibrate) then stops and the green power light goes off. Also in the bottom taskbar it shows installing driver then ends with driver installation failed.
So now I'm left with an expensive wheel that is unusable. I'm going to try it on my PS3 and PS4 to see if it works and hope the wheel is not corrupted internally?
I've tried system restore on my PC but to no avail. Maybe I'll have to reinstall my system?
If anybodys got any ideas to this mystery, I'd be most grateful!
Edited by twinpotter, Aug 08 2019 - 03:11 PM.