Now starts a longer story !
I opened my "67ALTRKS" Season file, my primary list of tracks that I use and found your Short IoMan track at #1. Decided that I would not need that so deleted the entry and replaced with the details above. Closed and opened that folder in GEM
NO TRACKS IN THE FOLDER WOULD OPEN.! I could not get to any of the over 80 tracks in the Season Folder. Went back into the folder in GPL, deleted AAIOM and replaced 'Short IOM' so that the folder was back to original Still nothing would open from that "Season" through GEM.

Remembered that I had an older back up of GPL, used the '"67ALTRKS" season from that to replace the non-working season folder and checked that it worked. then manually added AAIOM to that (appeared as the last track) and renumbered.
Back to GEM and the old Season+ AAIOM would again not allow me to open ANY tracks...
Back to GPL. deleted that 2nd non working Season folder and replaced again with my backup folder
Now my 'ALTRKS' folder works again - PHEW, I do not have to reload 80+ tracks.
.I then eventually re read your entry and find I can open the track from my 'vanilla' '67 ini' season file.
That is the GOOD news.
I don't know what happened, but might it be a suggestion for others to make a backup of any 'Season' file before adding AAIOM to it.?
The BAD news is that having spent all that time trying to sort out entries I haven't actually managed to DRIVE the track. yet

Thank you again Jim !

BETTER news - just done a full lap

Edited by Paddy the Irishman, Jul 08 2019 - 01:03 PM.