Oh some track in Germany
I've got to pull my other version out of the game just in case but yes it's Nurburgring! But a finally released version from The Pits and it is
n2003_Nurburgring_1970_v1.0. done by these 3 David Noonan, Thorsten Rueter, Jan Kohl.
Description: In 1971, the last of the original Nurburgring was swept away when the track was widened, repaved and areas were fixed up, due mainly to the advances in speed and the danger of running over what was basically country roads in fast sportcar. The Forumula 1 drivers had refused to race on the track in 1970, and since then the track has had even more modifications from the original track.
The Nordschleife was almost gone...
We've tried to recreate the track from various historic photos, as well as massively improving drivability and graphics all over the track. Almost all the mips have doubled in size from GPL, and we've planted well over 150 new trees. We've painstakingly researched how things looked and tried to recreate them. We could do more...oh yes, much more. However, to really do more, we might as well rebuild it from scratch...and we just didn't have the time to do that. Maybe someday. However, we hope you enjoy this look back in time to the glory of sportcar racing when it was REALLY fun AND dangerous!
I think you gents would enjoy it too!
Cheers Walt
** I'll go get a couple links **
Edited by Quattro, Feb 09 2005 - 07:50 AM.