my name is Uwe Schuerkamp, some may remember me from the bygone days of gplrank v1 which I wrote in Perl originally and hosted on a tiny Uni machine for a while back in 90s.
For a long time, GPLRank has been hosted on Brian Wong's ("blw") Solaris server in the US, following a major rewrite in php 5.x by Ed Hut and others.
As Brian will be retiring his Solaris box soon we're looking for volunteers who'd like to help with migrating GPLRank to a new server (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) kindly provided by Dave Stanley of NRTservers.com (the VM is already providing the GPL community with iGOR match making services thanks to the help of Lou Magyar and Christoph Frick).
We've run into a few issues with the php code and sadly, the original authors are unable to help at this point in time. I'd also like to migrate GPLRank to a supported php version so we'll be able to enjoy upgrades to the language (current DB backend is MariaDB 10.x).
While I'm fine with the admin side of things my php-fu is rather limited so any help would be welcome.
So if you're versed in PHP, & MySQL on a LAMP setup and would like to help to keep GPLRank alive, please get in touch via email at uweDOTschuerkampATgmailDOTcom so we can sort out the details.
Happy new year & all the best,
You can also PM me here at SRMZ and I will forward the message to Uwe.
Thank you to anyone who willl help out!