my brother Roman has wrote an application for editing/creating GPL driver.ini files.
It was tested on Win7 and WinXP and worked fine.
You're welcome to download and test it by yourself, please report back if you experience any errors, have suggestions etc.
Since this is a beta version, please make sure you have backups of your files in case anything goes wrong
Roman will be able to post here himself once his account is validated.
GPL Driver Editor can open existing driver.ini files or create new ones from scratch. Driver data is loaded into a table, every file is opened on a new tab.
To edit a parameter, double click on the corresponding cell.
Program automatically detects the GPL mod by the file name. You can select a different mod in the combo box on the left panel.
NOTE: when rewriting an existing file, all previously added comments will be lost!
To select a driver, click on a vertical header so the whole row is highlighted.
'Add new driver' - adds an "empty" driver (with default parameters) to the table
'Move driver up' - move selected driver up the table
'Move driver down' - move selected driver down the table
'Delete driver' - delete selected driver
Right click on a driver row header to open a context menu:
'Insert new driver' - inserts an empty driver into the table before the selected one
'Copy' - copies selected driver to buffer
'Paste/Replace' - replaces selected driver with a driver previously copied to buffer (NOTE: you can copy and paste between tabs)
'Clear' - resets all parameters to default
'Delete' - deletes selected driver
Many driver characteristics such as aggression, quickness etc. can be edited for all the drivers in the table at once:
1) right click on a parameter column header
2) click 'Group modify' to open a dialog window
3) choose between increasing/decreasing by constant value, or by percentage (more or less than 100%)
All edits can be undid by clicking 'Undo' in the 'Edit' menu.
To be able to sort the table by a certain column by clicking on its header, check the 'Enable sorting' option in the 'Edit' menu.
NOTE: in this mode you can't move, insert, copy/paste, clear or delete drivers.
Uncheck 'Enable sorting' to return to standard mode. All sorting will be reverted to default order.
Attached Files
Edited by Pavel, Nov 11 2017 - 02:18 PM.