I know this is a P&G forum, but it is GTR2 inside. My P&G install works fine, no issues (other than my driving), so this isn't a system problem.
In GTR2 everything works, but very slowly. When selecting a car class, click on the arrow to change class and it takes 30-60 seconds for the next class to appear (normally almost instantaneously); select a car and it takes about 30 seconds for the revolving image to appear; once car and track are selected, it takes about a minute for the LOD screen to appear (this is not the time for the track loading as indicated by the progress bar).
In the garage I can save a setup normally, but then highlight it in the list and click "Favorite" and it will be about 30 seconds before it appears as Favorite. Once on track there is no FPS display; if the car has an LCD, the screen is there but no display; if it has analog gauges there are no needles. There doesn't seem to be an fps issue - no choppiness or stuttering - but a couple of minutes of driving will induce a headache due to odd visuals, and there seems to be some control lag. Back to the garage menu, click "Exit" and get the popup "Exit Track?", click that and get the green checkmark then wait a couple of minutes til finally back at the main menu; exiting the game is the same - get the green checkmark then wait a couple of minutes before back to the desktop.
I have tried running in single core or multicore, makes no difference. Have rerun gtr2config, settings hadn't changed but saved them again anyway; made no difference. Was using a custom gfx.gtr, replaced that with default, didn't help. Compared sysinfo.txt and config.ini with those in P&G install, no difference ...but P&G runs normally and GTR2 is virtually unusable. FTR, Avast, Malwarebytes, and ESET give the system a clean bill of health. Problem arose a couple of days ago, no changes to system or GTR2 in that time span.

Gtr2 Running Slowly
Started by jgf , May 29 2017 - 10:34 PM
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