I (thought that I was) disconnected all the updates and resident-evil programs of Windows 10... but many times, after insulting my connection during an entire online race, when I clicked to turn down the computer, she, kindly, said to me: "updating and shuting down"... It was devastating... As devastating as to recover my "old" win7 until I could configure my llinux to race online and forget Windows for ever.
After a lot of struggling I think updates and resident programs of the paranoid Win10 are unbeatable, but also that this system has some intrinsic problems the Win7 hadn't.
Thanks for all the comments!
Win7 Vs Win10 (Gpl Test)
Started by mcmirande , Feb 10 2017 - 09:39 PM
22 replies to this topic
Posted Feb 13 2017 - 08:30 PM
Posted Feb 14 2017 - 03:33 AM
twinpotter, on Feb 13 2017 - 04:37 PM, said:
Stefan! Have you got any tips on the O&O Shutup10,regarding what to switch on and off.
I know it's a personal thing and there is a help section on the tabs (plus Help Menu)but is there something I should look out for.Or just a case of looking deeply into this app,by myself ?
I know it's a personal thing and there is a help section on the tabs (plus Help Menu)but is there something I should look out for.Or just a case of looking deeply into this app,by myself ?
O&O ShutUp10 - Antispy-Tool for Windows 10
There are already 3 good presettings at the tab "Actions" (might be named slightly different, I use the German version).
1) greeen: apply all recommended settings
2) orange: apply all recommended and limited recommended settings
3) red (!): apply all settings (-> actually it won`t deactivate "all" settings, like Windows Updates and some other settings are still active, but you can turn them off easily with O&O Shutup10 if you want to)
It depends on what you need to be running on your system.
I use the presetting red (!). Plus I turned off Windows Update manually with O&O Shutup10, to make sure my system does not start to download updates while racing. At the end of every month I turn on Windows Updates and let the system install updates. Then I deactivate Windows Update again with O&O Shutup10.
Btw the Windows patch day is on every 2nd tuesday a month.
I also turned off OneDrive and sending URL of apps to the web store.
Edit: O&O Shutup10 creates a Windows restore point before every change you make, so you can easily go back in case anything goes wrong.
But I never had any problem with the tool. Works great.
Edited by Stefan Roess, Feb 17 2017 - 02:07 AM.
Posted Feb 14 2017 - 05:03 AM
Thanks Stefan,for the info and taking the time,to reply to my question.
TP 😃
TP 😃
Posted Feb 14 2017 - 05:52 AM
Thanks for the info!!
Posted Feb 14 2017 - 08:59 AM
There's nothing like a bit of a technical debate,for the benefit of well being. Get it all out there,as they say 😃
Bit like the flasher/streaker who was going to retire. He's changed his mind and decided to stick it out for another year. Lol 😁
Bit like the flasher/streaker who was going to retire. He's changed his mind and decided to stick it out for another year. Lol 😁
Posted Feb 14 2017 - 10:10 AM
"... stick it out for another year."
Posted Feb 15 2017 - 12:06 PM
Thanks Stefan!
Used the program when before, but didnt understand what I to do.
So thanks for explaining to
Used the program when before, but didnt understand what I to do.
So thanks for explaining to
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