Paddy the Irishman, on Apr 11 2016 - 10:44 AM, said:
How about your waiting for Jim Pearson ?
I've been waiting. In that time I've had 2 children, went back to school to get a degree, witnessed geological time periods come & go etc, etc...
JP has made it clear over the last ten years that IoM GPL is not his priority and even when it is complete, he is not going to sanction shoddy conversions, and nor should he be put under pressure to change his plans.
But in the meantime I and many other 2 & 4 wheel racers want to drive the TT course, so the options are to hurry up & wait, or to do something proactive.
Saiph, on Apr 11 2016 - 11:01 AM, said:
After you obtain the data, all you will need is someone to actually build the track!

There are plenty of people around who want this track, it's just a daunting exercise to create from scratch. Having the track's basic layout will hopefully be plenty for track builders to get their teeth into and to start building versions for the various moddable sim games. And, depending on the project's success, we may have the opportunity to add 'stretch' goals, possibly employing some professional devs to pad the raw data with some objects & textures.