Bob Simpson, on Mar 14 2016 - 06:44 PM, said:
Once the FOV is set, if you move your head forward or back dramatically while driving, the Z dimension won't change on your monitor, which is unrealistic.
Yes, that's why you try not to move your head while driving hahaha
Alternatively you could try using something like Freetrack:
I think there are other free diy ones too but i'm not sure. There is also trackir which is exactly the same thing but commercial - so basically there's no point spending loads on trackIR when you can do it for free with a webcam and a few IR leds.
I tried it on my friend's computer years ago and it always felt really weird to me and made me lose feeling of the car because so much is "felt" visually so you miss the slight rotational cues in car behaviour that are drowned out by head movement with head tracking.
Of course, it may have just been due to the fact that his head tracking software was not set up to mirror 1:1 real life head movement but instead was exaggerated so that you could use it to look left and right virtually, while only rotating your head slightly in real life (so you could still see the screen).
I wonder if it would actually be good if set up to be 1:1 with real life movement, something like this:
I'll have to give it a try one day. Certainly you'd also need to be able to move the centre of the eyepoint around the screen (rather than it being in the centre) and i'm doubtful GPL (or many / any) games support this but i could be wrong.