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Replica Lancia Stratos, Silverstone Classic 24/07/09


© K.Ballard 2009

Replica Lancia Stratos, Silverstone Classic 24/07/09

    As per the reports that are being coming in from several quarters of the globe, ever since the coachbuilt custom, Lancia Stratos  was unveiled around 40 customers from Europe and several other parts of the world have contacted Pininfarina and the German aficionado who custom-built the New Lancia Stratos in the first place, Stoschek, and have shown their desire to get one of their beauties. Pininfarina and Michael Stoschek, have apparently figure that, although it took around $4 million to build the first example, but they will be able to offer further models of this neo-retro Supercar for $540k per model, including $135k for an apparently used Ferrari F430 and €300,000 for converting that into the all new Lancia Stratos.

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