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- Submitted: Sep 25 2012 - 10:02 PM
- Last Updated: Sep 25 2012 - 10:03 PM
- File Size: 1.62MB
- Views: 49152
- Downloads: 323
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Download Arlington Park

Arlington Park
A re-creation of a 1/32 scale slot track I scratch built while living in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Routed the grooves right in the table top with a "track making kit" from Strombecker. It included a hand router with a radius arm and a roll of 1/4 inch wide aluminum tape for the contact rails. Done in the 60's. I was 12~13 at the time. Strombecker, Revell & Monogram were the popular slot car manufactures in the states. There is a real Arlington Park Racetrack in Arlington Heights Illinois but it's a horse track
A re-creation of a 1/32 scale slot track I scratch built while living in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Routed the grooves right in the table top with a "track making kit" from Strombecker. It included a hand router with a radius arm and a roll of 1/4 inch wide aluminum tape for the contact rails. Done in the 60's. I was 12~13 at the time. Strombecker, Revell & Monogram were the popular slot car manufactures in the states. There is a real Arlington Park Racetrack in Arlington Heights Illinois but it's a horse track

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