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Full Version: GPL Race Engineer
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > Grand Prix Legends Files > Tools/Utilities
I've managed to corrupt my GRE file and with all the problems with racesimcentral I can't find a copy. Anyone know an alternative source please?

Seasons Greetings

I do know a guy with GRE;

Cheers Quattro bye1.gif& Welcome to SIMRACING MIRROR ZONE mate.
QUOTE (Quattro @ Dec 26 2004, 02:11 PM)
I do know a guy with GRE;

Cheers Quattro bye1.gif& Welcome to SIMRACING MIRROR ZONE mate.

Thanks for your help, however I still have a problem. Everything seems to go OK when I
install as per instructions (I'm on XP), but when I try to run GRE, I'm informed that "RICHTX32.OCX or one of its dependences is not registered : a file is missing".

I notice that this is part of a bundle in which was not in your attachment. Have I missed something or am I just being dumb?

Hey Geoff bye1.gif
Here's the easy way to fly GRE mate.
1st off double click on GRE.exe & when it opens a window saying "Choose GPL setup file to Open" . Look in your( GPL exe ) so your path C:/ GPL/players/(one you named like gabuck)/setups/track(Mosport)/lo.1 <(lotus)
Just make sure that in game at some time you saved a setup of a certain car ! Like say you were at Spa and messing about with a Ferrari! Save it and name that saved car like
Ferrari Geoff , then you're set to go on with GRE.
Cheers Quattro bye1.gif

ps: I just installed this clean on my computer and also running XP. thumbsup.gif
QUOTE (gabuck @ Dec 28 2004, 11:48 AM)
I notice that this is part of a bundle in which was not in your attachment. Have I missed something or am I just being dumb?

QUOTE (WelfMan @ Dec 28 2004, 04:08 PM)

Thanks v much for the file - it worked a treat !!

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