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SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
As the title says, it's nice to see you back. I hope the recovery is proceeding without too many nightmares. Good luck guys.

Off topic but Keith are you by any chance starting a 66 total rank run? unsure.gif
Good to see you back clap.gif

Good luck bye1.gif
QUOTE (Dark @ Dec 15 2008, 04:40 PM) *
Off topic but Keith are you by any chance starting a 66 total rank run? unsure.gif

Kind of. I'm not sure how long my current stamina/enthusiasm will last. It's one of those "Hey it's Christmas, let's do something crazy!" kind of ideas really! 59.gif
Haha good on ya thumbsup.gif

I'm going through the same what the hell its xmas thing with the 66 monster rank rolleyes.gif
John Bradley
By the way, I just want to thank the powers that be at BCSIMS and RSC for scheduling your board-destroying catastrophic failures such that they didn't overlap.

I figure if anyone ever wants to kill the GPL Community, get both sites to die simultaneously, and keep them down for a couple of weeks. Sometimes Cold Turkey is the only way to beat an addiction, you know... smile.gif

QUOTE (John Bradley @ Feb 5 2009, 02:50 AM) *
By the way, I just want to thank the powers that be at BCSIMS and RSC for scheduling your board-destroying catastrophic failures such that they didn't overlap.

I figure if anyone ever wants to kill the GPL Community, get both sites to die simultaneously, and keep them down for a couple of weeks. Sometimes Cold Turkey is the only way to beat an addiction, you know... smile.gif


Your welcome John, Glad to oblige smile.gif
I hope to not have a repete of that again, whew!
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