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Full Version: New iGOR and GEM+
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
From Paul Skingley's post at RSC:

QUOTE (paul skingley;3648156)
Gem+ vs.2.5.9 and iGor vs. released to support extra teams online and in game for 66mod and future mods.

At this time the iGor race list has been switched over to support this new software.
Older versions of iGor are no longer supported on the race list.

These new versions are fully compatible with existing mods and 67.


Updating from existing versions -
Most of us in the development team have found it easier to install the new Gem/iGor over the top of existing versions, without uninstalling previous versions.
This will mean that you keep all your configuration preserved. And you will not have to activate mods and set paths etc.

New Users -
If you are a new user of Gem+/iGor you will have to change the race list IP in iGor.ini ( Program Files/GPLSecrets/iGor folder ) to the current race list IP which is -
[ RaceListServers ]
IP =

All Users -
After installation, run Gem+ 2.5.9 to allow it to update your mod exes.

GPL Setup Manager is also shipped with this package.
You will see a shortcut created on your desktop to launch GPL Setup Manager.
Lee Bowden who is the author of Setup Manager up.gifwill be on hand to answer questions.

AT/BT users-
The 66mod will supply options for you to run all of the 66mod cars online using AT or BT.
If this is successful we will supply similar options for 69mod.

I wish to thank Paul Thurston, Phil Flack and Chistoph Frick for their work on these new Gem+ and iGor versions and for their support to the 66mod team and the GPL community. thumbsup.gif

Download Gem+ vs.2.5.9 and iGor vs. from the Gem+/iGor home page HERE


Now go and enjoy yourselves. yinyang.gif
Thanks for the heads up Keith

Thankyou to everyone working behind the scenes to bring us these programs smile.gif
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