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Full Version: GPL Sound Player Version 5.0
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
From RSC:

I'm happy to announced the release of GPL Sound Player version 5.0.


1. Separates the sound playing function from the patch function.
2. Handles the upcoming 1966 Mod sounds.
3. Adds a background screen for the 1966 Mod.
4. Uses GEM+ images during sound play.
5. Updates maximum rpms for all mods.
6. Revises Help window for better scaling with different resolutions.
7. Adds slider control for auto play timing instead of using a computer timing test.


GPL Sound Player is a stand alone program for listening to GPL engine sound files without having to start GPL to hear them. You can easily load all of your existing GPL engine sounds and selectively listen to one other engine sound for comparison.

An engine sound may be played either in automatic mode or with pedal/joystick control. When playing an engine sound, the GEM+ picture of that car is displayed.

Once satisfied with your engine sounds, you may save them to the GPL Sound directory for use by the GPL program.

GPL Sound Player is also a file manager that can replace any existing engine sound file with another. You may load or save all engine sounds together as a sound set.

GPL Sound Player includes an optional patch for your gpl.exe files. This patch provides separate F2 and F3 sounds for the '65, '67, and '69 executables.

Please report any problems either here in this forum or eMail me.

Enjoy! smile.gif


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You can find the player over HERE.

Thanks DM for poiting this out thumbsup.gif
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