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Full Version: 65 mod main & credit screen problems. help?
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "Help! I'm having trouble with..."
Hello all,
I have a problem. When I select the 65 FD, FG, or FV cars I get the 65 loading screen, but the 67 main and credits screens. When I select the 65 F1 cars, I get the proper 65 screens.... I had this problem way back but then it seemed to cure itself. Now it's back! I checked all my .pbf: they are the right ones & named properly. I reinstalled 65 mod v2. And complete 69 mod (69 screens show OK). And upgraded Gem+ to 2.4.66. So can anyone pleeaaase help me get the 65 screens showing withe FD, and FG and FV cars? It's driving me batty... And yes in answer to the obvious question: I drive the 65 FD's because that's about the limit of my driving talent!
Thanks all in advance,
Tosh confused1.gif
Hi Tosh

I didn't know that there were more then one 65 mods,
so I made them active.
The apearing carsets : GPL: FD, ES, FG, FV don't do anything here?
so I can't reproduce the action you are discribing.

Not a answer to your question, more a question from me to you blink.gif
QUOTE (Pedro @ Jun 2 2007, 02:46 PM) *
Hi Tosh

I didn't know that there were more then one 65 mods,
so I made them active.
The apearing carsets : GPL: FD, ES, FG, FV don't do anything here?
so I can't reproduce the action you are discribing.

Not a answer to your question, more a question from me to you blink.gif

there are also GPL65FD and GPL65FG carsets to be made active in addition to GPL65, GPL69 and the ones you listed above (i.e., GPLES, GPLFD, GPLFG, GPLFV). When I use GPL65 I get the 65 loading and main and credit screens. But when I use GPL65FD and GPL65FG carsets, I get the 65 loading screen, but 67 main and credit screens if you see what I mean.
Tosh bye1.gif
QUOTE (dangermouse @ Jun 4 2007, 01:50 AM) *

Thanks DangerMouse for the Bump. From lack of response I guess this is my own situation. I tried all of my .exe from the root folder and have the same situation. Can anyone out there duplicate my problem? If not then I would suspect I have a conflict with an .msi within my own system. (I have IL-2 1946 and a huge 55GB FS9 setup with many 3rd party addons and .exe)). There may be a conflict somewhere but I can't be bothered to mess with it. If I can't get an answer on this I will just live with it. It's not life or death and I love the 65 mod so much I won't worry any more.


Still, I am really enjoying my GPL more and more, so why complain?
Thanks for your effort,
Tosh, KCSG thumbsup.gif
QUOTE (tpower @ Jun 6 2007, 05:18 AM) *
From lack of response I guess this is my own situation.

Still, I am really enjoying my GPL more and more, so why complain?

Seems like it....... sad.gif

smile.gifbut glad you're "enjoying your GPL more and more". thumbsup.gif

Bernd Nowak
I think here's the explanation smile.gif

Look in your GPL directory. There is a folder called mods with a subfolder called GEM+. You find the carsets for 65 gpl65fd.cst and gpl65fg.cst.

You need to open then and check this lines (taken from gpl65fd.cst):
teamInfo = teamIcfd
multi = m65fd
mainMenu = main65fd
credits = cre65fd
hcopy = hcc65

If you check your layout folder you will not find teamIcfd.* files but teamIc65.* files. All you need to do is to copy the existing files and copy them with the same extension to the respective counterparts named in the 2 cst files.

Hope that this helps a bit wink.gif
Hope that this helps a bit wink.gif

Thanks Bernd!!! I tried what you suggested, but I could not make it work. But then I just edited the .cst files and put the correct .pbf names. I deleted my gem.ini file and let GEM+ rebuild itself and Volia! Everything is just perfect.

I thank you again for taking the time to help me out with my small problem. Now I think I'll have to get some of Steffen's screens so I can have different graphics with each car set.

Cheers mate,
Tosh thumbsup.gif
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