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Full Version: higher and lower horizon 3do's
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "Help! I'm having trouble with..."
I have come across a need to adjust horizons up and down. At the Repository, Scottie has 2 lowered and 1 raised horizon 3do's. I need a 3do that is only raised half of the one he has already created.

I tried to post there but was not allowed. I tried to register there also. That is why I'm posting here.

Thanks in advance. cap.gif
QUOTE (miklkit @ May 30 2007, 12:05 AM) *
I tried to post there but was not allowed. I tried to register there also. That is why I'm posting here.

You have to be registered to post. I don't know why you could not register, there is a new member as of just yesterday morning.

I tried to register there again this morning. After 8 unsuccessful tries, I give up. far-side.gif
Hi miklkit smile.gif
I think you have to put 0 were it asks you your gpl rank.

If you want to change the values in a horizon 3do, is quite simple using GPL Editor.
You open the horiz.3do and scroll down to SZYX "XYZS";
here you find all the xyz values for every vertex ( they are around 25) if you double click on one of them, a window appears and you can change the values as you wish.
You basically have to change the Z value for the amount that you think is right ( obviously values around thousands will be the top of the box and values around negative hundreds will be the bottom).
Is a pretty quick work. You can add or subtract let's say 300m to every Z value in a couple of minutes.
Hope it helps bye1.gif
Thanks! I'll give it a try. thumbsup.gif
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