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Full Version: RSC - GPL Forums a little sluggish??
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
Is it my connection (location) or does the RSC - GPL Forum seem to be very sluggish lately? I am getting a lot of "database error" messages. blink.gif
QUOTE (gliebzeit @ Dec 29 2006, 03:01 AM) *
Is it my connection (location) or does the RSC - GPL Forum seem to be very sluggish lately? I am getting a lot of "database error" messages. blink.gif

It's not your connection. wink.gif

RSC is just way too big for its servers to adequately cope with. They either need to downsize, or more people need to donate.
QUOTE (pirenzo @ Dec 29 2006, 12:28 PM) *
RSC is just way too big for its servers to adequately cope with. They either need to downsize, or more people need to donate.
They need to look at the software they are using --> stop using Windows and blaming php.

Arturo Pereira
Yes, I guess Keith is right shocking.gif
RSC has seemed subpar in terms of connectivity for quite awhile.
RSC: Race Slow Central...
Aren't RSC currently working on finding a new host for the place? i got the impression that funding was not a problem now its finding a host, getting and setting up the hardware and the logistics of moving such a massive forum that will be causing a few headaches wink.gif
paul skingley
Yes it is RSC's size that is the problem and the massive amount of users all clicking away at the same time.

Personally I would remove all forums not related to GPL tongue.gifbut I guess that wont happen smile.gif

Arturo Pereira
QUOTE (paul skingley @ Jan 7 2007, 01:28 PM) *
Yes it is RSC's size that is the problem and the massive amount of users all clicking away at the same time.

Personally I would remove all forums not related to GPL tongue.gifbut I guess that wont happen smile.gif


I agree with that proposal !! clapping.giftongue.gif
I'll second that motion too thumbsup.gif
It winds me up just how bad it is sometimes. The amount of times I have tried to post some help for someone asking a genuine question and all I get is a white screen and php error (after minutes of waiting) I just give up.

They could get better performance if they just get rid of the attachments, there are enough easy to use free download sites around these days. That a dumping Windows/PHP from a great height onto some very sharp rocks.
QUOTE (FourWheelDrift @ Jan 8 2007, 09:40 PM) *
That a dumping Windows/PHP from a great height onto some very sharp rocks.

Nothing wrong with php wink.gif

I meant as a combination (PHP on Windows) wink.gif
It was running a lot better last night blink.gif
QUOTE (Dark @ Jan 9 2007, 10:02 AM) *
It was running a lot better last night blink.gif

I'm getting "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 7C83248B"

Someone please tell me it's a general problem.....
IMHO, RSC is just trying to do too much. To many forums. The end result is everyone gets subpar performance.
I've given up posting on there now, I've tried to post 3 times on different threads requesting help (in the GTR2, rFactor and RBR forums) and the thing has just hung, nothing.......... I think it just churns for 5minutes then just dies.
Bernd Nowak
I have no big problems if I check and repeat during 7:00 - 15-16. In the evenning and night it's mostly not possible but I notice some slight better performance lately.

That said I'm like Keith and others. A linux based one with Apache/MySQL and PHP seems to perform a bit better but who knows tongue.gifMaybe it would perform the same if we would know what hardware they are using at the moment.

The problem with RSC and a good community site like the GPLMZ is that RSC is so well known that most search there for answers to their problems (all GPL related). A turnover would be bad for people trying to find the needed answers.

So I accept it and troll myself here too smile.gif

Thanks Keith for building up this place (and for sure all the others here) thumbsup.gif
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